Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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It was, from the Tolgani {book of legends} ‘journals’ that some revelation had been made regarding the
‘Ancient ones’. A warning echoed time after time, NOT to annoy them, provoke them OR others who would turn to them for ? Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Ah indeed Tolgani. A youthful male, with all of the desires of the flesh, to seek out, connive, contrive; use and abuse his ‘victims’.

Scheming AND, with the aid, of some rather dubious characters; manage to succeed, without the need, to become as we would know it; a parrot.

Lust and the inevitable, of his brain, residing elsewhere, his thoughts on his next conquest? A means to an end, might spring to mind not the only thing, rising, to the occasional need, to sate that lust.

The trickery, secured him a bevy of beauties. Some enchanted evening might be on the lips of some ancient Human(a) reflecting on the sound of a track from what was it, ah yes; South Pacific. Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Though, it would indeed, be plenty of ‘Happy hap hap happy talk’ his fingers were doing what many were doing on Earth, centuries ago.. letting those fingers do the walking..

Magic dust? But these used that on others to do their bidding?
IT would NOT work on them.

A kind of, foolhardy misconception, by those,
who would come to know and,, eventually, uncover the truth?

For now though, he could use that, to secure his next, his next,
his..  so it goes on.

Ah, the age old, perceptions, of FAERIES?
Fairy rings and all that went with them from tales, from ‘folk lore’?

Simple creatures and of little interest to an aspiring stud such as him.. YET that Gobli (Goblin to us) had leered at him, for being so stupid.

Taking him, deep into the forest, they had eventually, arrived at a clearing. A number of little items, formed a mysterious ring? They, were hidden, within the brush / bushes, as the Gobli, told him to WAIT; be patient.

When IT appeared? Tolgani, almost gave away, their hiding place, as the Gobli quickly shifted to stifle a howl.
One of disbelief, at what he was seeing? The Gobli, shoved a small pouch into his hands. Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Use that on it! Then do with it as you please.
The more, you abuse it and use it, the more pleasure I will get, on equal measure to yours. I hate them! We Gobli loathe them!

As he stepped out, from his hiding place, the faerie turned towards him. About, to use some dust on HIM?

He was quicker as his hand moved, the pouch to shift his hands upwards, he, was now, sprinkling the dust over her.

The faerie turned a softer colour. Totally at his mercy to do with as he pleased? An understatement.

She, had that funny, what he often reckoned to be; dumbfounded look in its eyes.

Totally compliant, obedient to his every whim, his full on immoral desires, as he now stripped and pleasured himself.

A little smaller, than him but not much smaller.
Physically, little different to other ‘females’ , he had ‘watched’ being seduced.

As his hands, explored its body, firm, full and he could feel the heat rising in his whole body. He was like some Ket in a sweet shop not knowing what to sink his teeth let alone anything else, into first!

This, was ripe for the taking, his hands tore at her clothing. Peeling her like the skin off a freshly picked fruit. They were almost torn off to reveal the sweetness of what was now on the tip of his tongue.

The level, of spiraling pleasure, was indescribable.
He could feel the dampness in his loins. 

For about two, of our known HOURS he took everything whilst giving his all. ALL and not a drop was spared. Afterwards, he was joined by the Gobli, as it, took a vial to place it next to the Faerie.

Sucking up some of its body sweat, from places that hitherto, would have seemed impossible, to get to?
 “I need this and YOU, sure have provided, a good amount of its juices; consider this, my payment.”

Looking back, to see the Faerie, moving to redress, he was sorely tempted to help it BUT the Gobli hissed at him to leave! IF others arrived? Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

They well HE, would face their wrath and that! was NOT something, he should even consider, as anything but, life threatening.

Kill? A Faerie, killing another being? Oh no, far worse, the things they could do, that would leave those ‘punished’ by them, with a desire to die! As for the so called ‘Faerie Queen’? You were dead, or as good as.

The Faerie female, was now fully dressed and, had returned to its former colour, before appearing a little confused; dazed? They, were some distance away, but he, could turn and see it glow, before it vanished.

“IT will not, remember anything!”  Tolgani, was unsure, whether that, was such a good thing. He liked, the idea of being remembered, for the performance he had just enjoyed.

MORE of the dust? The deal was made, that in return, each time, he had to use a vial to collect some of the Faerie’s juices. Return the vial for dust?

Taking out, a small device, that illuminated, to show where, the Faerie had those rings to be found?
He could, visit them and, each time, one appeared? Sprinkle a little happiness..
Let’s suck up those juices.

On looking back, if in retrospect, he still  had, the energy to do so, over a certain period of time? IF counting the numbers of his conquests,  it would reach a certain number and he would give up counting !

The Gobli was making a small fortune.

Faerie juices were full of secrets that the Gobli would NOT share with him. Suffice to say, that to it, such juices commanded a high price, amongst its kind. Using him?

No, availing him, of his services.

A young stud, such as him? Frustration, not getting any? Nothing  to keep him sated. The Gobli was the one losing out,
IT, could not enjoy, nor savour what he was tasting. Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

All hail the generosity of the Gobli.

The numbers grew. Some he had to admit, for him in that moment of giving his all.. were the pinnacle of ecstasy

Sometimes, he would wait, for several da (days) for his loins to recover. He swore, that he was getting bigger down there.

The result of Faerie juice? His rampant urges, to have another and another, increased to an almost obsessive level.

He, would try out, different positions, experiment and over time his perversions were to the extreme.

He had a feeling, if any such still remained, after the all out ferocity, his loins thrashing about, as he took the next one, of feeling, he was now getting bored, well the Faerie certainly had been.

He had to fulfill, one of his ultimate fantasies. One was no longer a challenge, All of the power was his, little or no resistance, he might as well have been shagging the hole on one of those worker colony robots. NOOO !
TWO, yes TWO of them at the same time,  to pleasure himself with?

As he collected, the next vial of Faerie juices, he was muttering to himself what to some IF they had been close by would have seemed somewhat clearly a ‘wish’? ~ To have TWO of them to pleasure?

The next time, he expected this one to appear? For some reason, she seemed to be, more of a regular occurrence. One that some could, have considered,  more than a coincidence? Now forming in front of him?
He gasped.

TWO of them!

He did wonder, if the one shot of magic dust, sprinkled over them, would work? Twice the pleasure, a crazy fury as he dragged them out of sight into the undergrowth. Stripping them, taking them, the heightened ripples of his whole body seeming to be on fire.

Draining, to the last thrust, the last drops, flushed away, within his pure, unadulterated lust. The groans and moaning from them both, adding extra zest, to his rampant, pulling and pushing, moving and, shoving them about, to leave them totally naked, beneath him.

He had no thought, of how his loins, would feel after this! 
Killer moves? Their bodies were draining him whilst it would appear they were in a state of euphoria?

THEY were demanding, taking and pleasuring themselves? THAT had never happened before! With some relish, it seemed, they swallowed back, the last of HIS juice. Licking their lips afterwards?

Had the magic dust worn off?

Finally, ALL of them, were totally exhausted. He managed, before attempting to  stagger away, to take the vial and this time, FILL it to the brim.

Overflowing! He had been, conservative in how much he filled it with before, this time he reasoned tha an extra vial might have been a good idea? Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Three times, yes three times, he was met with them
both AND, what transpired each time, was a full on orgy.

The Gobli, had been delighted, with the vials returned  to it,  had given him, some extra vials AND dust.

For him, a never ending roller coaster, with him taking longer breaks, between each encounter. His loins needed to recover!

As for his size? It was definitely bigger and more pronounced. Fuller, firmer and the boost to his ego, was only matched, by knowing that as he washed it, how magnificent it was! 

The grunting and groaning, of the Faerie females, as he shared with them, the deep, thrusting pleasure, no mercy;  of his loins, was a testament to that!

Everything, went on for some time, with nothing really changing, well apart, from what was already. mentioned!

The cloud drifting across a full moon, casting its shadowy light, across the forest clearing. IT was eerie.
Light and shadows, lots of shadows. Then he saw it.The usual shimmer of light.

About, to  grab at,  the pouch, of magic dust ,only to stumble. Falling forwards, his head down on the ground, unable to see anything for a few moments. Raising his head and his eyes, rested on what was now, becoming clearer; much clearer.

He was good at maths, as we would know it. Figures, giving his counting skills, were now seeing, not one, not two but? EIGHT of them. NOOO Not good at all.

The Gobli had warned him NOT to get too greedy! Greed it had muttered, well too much of anything, IS NOT good for you but if he insisted in  gorging on Faerie he would NOT be stopping him. It was just a shame he was not there to see it! 

Tolgani, recognised, the two of his usual  indulgences. BOTH of them had sprinkled dust on him. He could NOT move as he was now finding himself floating above the ground, being stripped by them; naked. 8 of them with ALL of them stripping furiously.

NOOO this level of primeval lust, was HIS alone!! Luscious, delicious and gluttony can easily be a word  to describe what was unfolding, being taken, in turn, one, two, three at a time. 

HE was thrown around, made to play with them, amuse them, satisfy them? Sipping on ? Honey water. What we might know as ‘Mead;? That, was being passed around amongst them as they swigged it back before pouring some on him to lick at it.

His loins were not disappointing them as his size was ever more evident. Length and breadth was now receiving their undivided attention THEY, were milking him dry.

Used, abused, ridden, like some bucking bronco, until FINALLY they, collapsed to one side of him. HE, could NOT move. NO energy; whatsoever.

Feeling his whole body, had been pummeled, bruised, battered, savaged by them.  Never had he ever experienced, what they had done to him. True. he had been that way with some of the Faerie females BUT!

What the ! might spring to mind. From the shadows ? Now stepping in front of him. He almost screamed at the sight of this whatever the hell it was. IT shifted to drag him across the ground away from the others..
A large brute of ???!! Wrinkled and now glaring at him as it moved in on him. Maelstrom

The stench of IT, now across him, leaning down to leer in his face?
He felt the urge to retch BUT, worn out, exhausted, he could do nothing as now...

She bit his prize and joy, sharp teeth across it, making it bleed. Then, IT stripped, to reveal rolls of fat, of more wrinkled flesh. then IT, took him.

Every, last remaining semblance of strength, sucked from his body, the mass of sweaty flesh bouncing up and down on him, almost crushing his ‘ribs’. .

Slapping him, fists against his chest, as it howled, with its whole body shaking, spasm after spasm. He, lost consciousness. 

Waking, from his, sudden ‘passing out parade’. . Naked and at least; alone. He was unable to move, no strength at all. Laid back, the memory of all, that had transpired, the image, of that thing?

Whatever the hell, hell being the operative word; was making him sit up and vomit. Almost projectile vomit.

That last one,  IT, had thrown him around, slapped him down and to the cheers of the others! Savaged him, beaten him, pummeled him muttering in his ears

“I am looking forward to some more with you ‘big boy’, just call out my name and I will come to you.. Maelstrom, my name is Maelstrom..”  Well words to that effect! He reasoned, that was NEVER; EVER  going to happen.

The ugliest, wrinkled, whatever the hell that was; with more creases than that  dammed Gobli.. he had ever encountered? Yeah it was a stark reminder, that it was  time to stop!

He could, only just,  manage, to shake his head at the recall of IT straddling him.. Easing himself up to now be sat upright, the smell of the drying vomit on his lips as he coughed. He peered around him.

It was then, he saw a shimmer of shadows, a growing light?

Just as he had witnessed, so many times, when one of THEM appeared?Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

This one, was different. He sensed that almost immediately. He could NOT move.

It fully formed and, he noted this one was older, well it looked older. A ripple across him and a sensation that whatever it was,

 IT was VERY, VERY powerful.

Hissing at him, she raised  arms and hands as though joined in some ritual or rite she muttered words, ones he had never heard before in some strange tongue?

“I could remove your lower half. Give you, the lower half of  a Gobli. All of its filthy stinking form, Ah yes; the thing whose trickery, you used on MY Faeries.

I, am their QUEEN. He felt a ripple growing ever stronger within his body. It was mixed with his ever growing FEAR.

PAIN, deep penetrating PAIN. Almost the feeling of having his guts ripped open, grabbed and twisted.

He was now screaming. His whole body shook and, convulsed. Violent, involuntary contractions, of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs. Twisting, shaking and all the time; that deep stabbing, crippling pain.

NEVER, ever, had he felt, such unyielding pain. For almost what seemed like a lifetime she played with him. Tortured him, ignored his screams, his pleading for mercy?

He finally went silent. His body, unable to take anymore, had left him semi conscious, to almost unconscious.
When he finally came to, she, was still, with her arms in the air and chanting?

A melodic chant, that resonated in the cool night air. Suddenly, he sensed another being appearing before them?
As its form materialised ? He had NEVER seen such a being. The ‘;Faerie Queen’ had lowered her arms and was head down appearing to bow to it?  Without doubt this being, was far more powerful than this so called Faerie Queen.

“Why have you summoned me?” “I am your proven faithful messenger. I need your powers to deliver a punishment to this thing, for the violation of some of my Faeries.

IT used Gobli dust, to have them, powerless before it. To use them and, abuse them. To deliver pain to them, to terrify them, bully and then without mercy; satisfy its primitive savage lust.

I have punished the Gobli.  Its kind around it, who, bought up the ‘ juices’ , I turned them all,  into Eunuchs. They will be waking up, to believe, that the  ‘juices ’, were responsible for that. The Gobli, will not be alive for long AND, it will, spread amongst the other Gobli, who will now, stop buying, such ‘juices’ .

BUT this thing! IT, took the dust, from the Gobli and, violated all, of the known laws of our kind. A greedy, evil and worst of its kind, being. I want to kill it, BUT, some of my Faeries, do not want me to do that. They feel, for what this thing has done, it should be the will of the Gods to deliver just punishment.

Some of them unfortunately, were too exhausted, to give evidence, BUT I agree..   that it IS

The will of the Gods, to give unto us, the means, to see this thing punished.  Only a God, can seal his fate, curse him, for all eternity. WE ask, that he does NOT, die.

He, has to live as an immortal and, for all eternity, to KNOW, to feel, to relive, the pain, the despair, the suffering, of those, who he tricked; abused.

As your sacred messenger, I ask this of you.”

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends





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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends