Of course, Tolgani found himself somewhere that he knew nothing about. LOST? That was an understatement. He wondered if Sushi knew more than she was letting on?
The place was sandy, VERY sandy. All youu would expect from ‘desert’ terrain. BLEAK, some hot wind blowing in your fce kind of indicates it IS desert.
NOT a building or dwelling in sight. HAD she sent him on a as one might say ‘fools errand’? It would nto surprise him in the least.
He had noted the ‘tones’ in ITs voice, some modicum of contempt, nah, real venom, which, was NOT good, not good at all. when he reconsidered all that had just happened.
Nothing putting IT over his knee and giving it a good spanking would not fix eh? He was smiling at the thought of IT then stopped to grimace. she might actually enjoy that.
He had to admit, he was stinky. Faeriri juices. A decent shower or at least somewhere he could take a soak? Just the place to walk forever whilst seeing in the distance an ‘oasis’ with palm trees next to a lake?
Ah yes the ‘mirage’ and no we are not talking jets here. Hallucinations, or delusions, hopefully neither. Shiri now appeared in front of him.
“You’re showing, as being on a peculiar part of this ‘moon.’ It’s a ridge over there and I the readings are showing life signs? “OK, I will head in that direction. I could do with some water.”
Shiri shook her head. “NO! YOU only think you do. YOU cannot suffer from dehydration. All of the senses you had before, will sometimes come through, BUT they are NOT real! “
If he quickened his pace, it might, have indicated, some disbelief on his part but it was more impatience and what lay beyond the ridge. He kept recalling the look on Sushi’s face AND the twisting of her lips, yes that was it, the slight twist of her lips.
He felt being here, was a trick on her part. The fact she had the power in the first place to tranport him here was in itself cause for concern? BUT she had powers AND what he was sensing was not good.
Playing host to Inexi, was complicated enough BUT if she was aware of some treachery on the part of that ‘Anime’ character, a 7th generation THING, it WOULD be warning him?
Was, the female he was looking for, here or NOT? Also, what did Ju the Faerie Queen mean, for him to be careful, others were looking for her AND, they were not nice?. 
She had sensed, some trickery and knew those Anime’s were devious, cunning practised LIARS.
Making a meal out of this ‘primitive?’ did not in any way shape or form mean or intimate, intimacy.
THAT he could agree on. Out of all of them, Sushi was the most hostile AND, if Bedme was ‘frigid’ Sushi was frozen polar ice.
YES Inexi was already warning him to be careful. NOT that he was in any real danger. He COULD NOT die whatever happened.
Banger and Boozy were mucking out the ‘stables for the Suffu; Cursing Tolgani as they tried not to breathe in the stench.
“Do you think he survived?” “Not if Suishi, has anything to do with it. Noodle was talking to her earlier, but, she had to rush of, f somewhere in a hurry?
I have to say, I have not seen her so excited in a long time. Not since, she turned that primitive into an A’ole. (kind of donkey/ass) coins the phrase amongst them, (‘THEY, IT, made an ass of themselves.)”
“NO the best re her revenge, was taking that primitives ‘circulars’ putting them one either side of his head, replacing his ear lobes.. Looked like mouse ears, but balls?” Banger fell about laughing.
“She, told me, he was clearly ‘nuts’, to begin with. As for where, she shoved, what originally, was between them, still remains a mystery. He did have, a peculiar gleam in his eyes and,, walked with a strange limp after that..”
Our Queen was not amused, Apparently, HE, was one of her favourites. VERY well endowed, not that I got to have a taste.. so she did punish Suishi. The expression on our Queens face?
To recall, from the archives, what is it they said re the transmissions, She struck up a pose, similar to that ancient Queen from Solus 3 (Earth) history. “I am NOT amused, not at all amused..” More laughter.
“Whats so funny?” “Busty! how are they hanging. She placed her hands under them shoved them up and forwards. “Careful, you’ll poke my eyes out, with the size of those nipples.
Do you really need to have them that big?!
The weight of them is something else, but those nipples!” “Look we are not talking Bedme here, They get played with, are a firm favourite among the primitives AND I make a small fortune with my ‘handling charges., not forgetting those queuing to stroke them paying ‘standing charges’.
Banger had to agree. “One look at you, standing next to me and I, am feeling robbed. I think the Queen was over generous on your part, uhh PARTS.”
“Look the primitives, have not nicknamed me the Double D ranch for nothing.”  Boozy stopped what IT was doing. “ What IS a ranch?”
“Beef, or similar, between two slices of what they called bread with eggs, hash browns and...” Busty !!
That is what they call a BRUNCH!”
“Well I won’t be ‘brunching’ out anytime soon.”
They fell about laughing. “So, Banger, have we heard anymore from Suishi?” “Nothing?
Oh sure we all know, the look. Definitely up to something, she had that crazed lunatic just got out of the ‘Asylum’, look in her eyes.”
“Oh like that, streamed series, what was it called? ‘Gotham’! “ That kind of glazed over look, the one Boozy has, when she, has had a good time, look in her eyes.
You know, when you Banger, have had at least, two well endowed primitives. “
“There has got to be a way, to see, what she has been up to!”
Nabu!!! They looked at each other. “The seer, the Ja. You know what she will want for payment.” “Well it is not going to be me this time!” Busty stared at them.
“NO way. IT freaks me out everytime IT does that.” “Cmon it is all in a good cause. NO one she likes more than you for such an event?” “Her hands are always so dammed COLD. I have to shut down my synaptics to block her.
Then she has that chanting going on. RRRR um RRR um.. Until we ask her to shut up when we are watching the screen and can’t hear what is being said?
“Just think, that Primitive, with the one, YOU, were licking your lips over every time you told us about it? Don’t you, want to know on that MOON, the one NONE of us can go to ?
YET Suishi is going to be there? HOW the! is she managing that? ““We all know the black arts are forbiddenl
One of those ‘witches’ from the castle?
’That ruddy ‘Fairy tale realm’, has a lot to answer for, upsetting our Queen. Uking Rapunzel and the dammed tower, that suddenly appeared, smack in the middle of our Queen’s prize real estate?
All those primitives, standing below, shouting up. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let your hair down.
Never mind everyone else that bi has let down.. Ucking hair today gone tomorrow if the Queen, gets her way, that Bi is due a haircut !” They fell about laughing. The mere thought of that, was enough to send them into hysterics.
“Well are we doing it then?” She looked at Busty pleadng with her? “Oh alright! BUT it is the last time ! You will have to use Booby next time! “  “Not as big as your gorgeous orbs..
Nothing beats a romp on the good ole Double D’s.”
Nabu was happy to see them. Busty was one of her favourites. It was good that she did not have to use ‘crystal balls’.
“OK lets see what is happening to that primitive. On Modeius?
IT, has NO idea, what is ON that moon! Just one of those things will eat him for a snack.”
She went silent, from her RRR mmm RRRmmm. as her fingers gripped the nipples, twisting them.
“Reception is poor, could be atmospherics. Then it, appeared in front of them. Liken to watching something, on a widescreen.? The blur dying away, as every thing was now tuned, to perfection
“Suishi you are surpassed yourself this time.. Wow this, is wicked!