So who was the female I was supposed to track down and take OFF the planet? Some of you might think a picture, a shelde with the information on, a screen with an image to guide me? NO!
“You will instinctively KNOW who the one is when you meet?? What the ! The precursor to bordering on insanity but believe me, when there is all there is to know; this moment in ‘time’. is nothing short of blissful ignorance.
So far I have only met ONE whatever the hell that was, invading my space, SPACE now that’s ironic.. I am getting the impression it is a sentient life form.
An ‘entity’ occupying any physical form. Can be ANYTHING. In this instance, well definitely’ so the resident being, occupying prime position
in between my legs is telling me, it appears and take careful note of the word ‘APPEARS’ to be, in female form, that desires some attention on my part or is it PARTS.
My own entity, my God or Goddess, Inexi is I know, part of me. How I think, react, KNOW things I normally would have NOT have a clue as to what, wno, why or where, comes to mind, I feel sometimes I should avoid, using that word’; COME, answers COME naturally.
I sensed, the whatever it was, called ‘Anipre’ sensed her presence Hence the sudden change in tone AND the decision to allow me to enter the planet below. I have NO idea, about the two orbiting moons, apart from KNOWING they ARE inhabited !!
Consolation in knowing, they like the main planet; are SMALL. For you Human(a) the main Aludri home planet is about the size of Solus 3 (Earth) moon. IT rotated around a medium bright sun.
Temperatures are moderate and, the rotation, is about 100 days Solus 3 designation. There are dark areas but the planet overall is in constant light. The position of the planet is a contributory factor re that.
It spins on an elipitical orbit. NOT just a fixed relationship with its sun. ALSO the two moons do strange things which alters how the sun light affects the main planet,
Of course I have NO idea, of the inhabitants. One race, multiple; NOTHING. The truth was that I was not entirely used to the space craft itself. Far more advanced and certainly more so re my hot feline Rubbr’s transporter.
During our ‘companionship’ we had talked a lot and I had been fortunate to have someone who had travelled within the Qiverse albeit LIMITED, considering the vastness of its expanse.
She would tell me. “Use your intuition. If you think its that then it probably is. Well I could manage doors, hatches, heating, lighting but cooking? YES, I had more than ample supplies so there being ‘food let alone ‘drinks’ on the planet below might be interesting to discover.
The control systems were part physical, you could touch them, feel them BUT the bulk of them were ‘Iso generic’ meaning they were there, they were not. NOT meaning you did NOT need them so they did not take up ?
Memory, power, energy to make them more solid? Rubbr did tell me, that most craft had inbuilt Co pilots or physical training A quick demonstration of turning one on, off had transpired but ? When it came to the terminology I was more into the turning me on and it OFF which meant..
Looking around the interior here the references and demonstration had fallen on deaf ears, let alone blind stupidity. IF only might spring to mind,. Still some slight flashbacks, some recognised symbols.
Of course, turming something ON has a downside IF you, don’t know, how, to turn it OFF! The body atomiser was great for keeping you clean BUT it had stayed on longer, AFTER I had finished using it then ideally I would have liked.
Automatically shutting down, much to my relief. As for the essentials of body waste.. well we won’t go there. The jets up places you don’t want to revisit being doused clearing away such wastes..
It would be later, when I was having one of my rages and that was how to use the ZIMP, docking, power, hatches and more that finally I heard Inexi in my ears? Well sort of.
“Really?? I am part of YOU, integrated into, existing within you. Stop trying to make yourself more stupid than most gave you credit for PRIOR to our ‘cohabitation’! The stupidity, on your part, is NOT, part of your punishment.
THINK, what would an Immortal do?
What would YOUR Faeries do? OK what would Rubbr do?
OK now that was cruel!
“I need a helper! The craft overseer, the sub pilot”  The sudden sensation of something forming in front of me? IF I, had given thought, to what that might look like, the image of Rubbr sprang to mind?
Who am I kidding! That I believe is where the term ‘wishful thinking’ springs from ? It was ethereal,
Ah the right word indeed. There but not there. Which probably for me, was a good thing.
Simplistic in form but,, pleasing to look upon, AN aura about it, of peace, of warmth and tranquility.
IT showed me, options on so many aspects of IT. I finally ,settled on the original one. I did NOT, want something too racy or too bland.
The balance was as good as to me, it could get and NOT a compromise. The AI synthesis, was also proving to be a genuine surprise. I had a female OK of sorts.
I suspected there was probably a MALE as we would know it version.
THIS? Some might think, a little plain. BUT I liked that, I was not going to feel my loins reacting every time she appeared.
“We need to do initialisation.” Yes you KNOW already what I am talking about! Key facial recognition, emergency protocols, contact information.Outreach and a lot more re communication.
What I want help with , tutorials, training, weapons? She would NOT do weapons or tactical, for that I would have to call up another. BUT, for eating, sleeping, drinking YOU got it.
Master? Or more informal? I could do nothing PHYSICALLY with IT but she could Play games, entertain me. Her library archive was phenomenal. ANYTHING from across the Qiverse was almost true. NOT true but certainly ALMOST.
Now I could simply ask for help or for Shiri to do something and it was done.~
As for weapons?
T S O, a bot, for Tactical, Strategic, Oversight.
The weapons were beyond comprehension, literally. You can’t attack the craft, destroy it, move it, remove it full stop. The transparency / illusory effect would have those it did NOT want to see it, NOT seeing it.
Pass through it, know nothing re it had been, was, never was, rumoured to be.. all concepts that were ILLUSIONS. No point in attacking, destroying, something, someone who cannot do anything to you or your craft? If things were looking good, there was still a question on my mind, I wonder if YOU guessed what that might be?
Anipre. HOW had IT managed to appear before me ? Surely I would be protected from such uninvited guests, well uninvited?
Ah the infernal ‘story book’. We all, whether we accept it on not, have it, One which records, writes the pages of our destinies. Intertwined ones especially. YOU see the answer now?
I was destined, to meet, to talk with and ? Re Anipre. As it was written, so it will be; kind of now, has my understanding.
The Craft, was now feeling more and more, to my liking. TSO was nothing other than sentient silica generated entity. Could move around and as I was to discover via ‘disc’ / medallion, stay with me and advise me TACTICAL, STRATEGIC and MORE!
Time to make a move DOWN to the planet below and that, meant using the Zimp. All of the docking bay controls, the controls for it, were becoming more evident My skills were definitely improving.
Landng ? Where? I had absolutely NO idea. OK I had coms with Shiri and the TSO.
The Zimp navigation was taken over by? It took me, into an open valley near a lake, mountains in the background and looking farly ordinary.
Stepping out of the craft it locked hatches behind me, That gave me a good feeling knowing it was secure. I decided I needed to do some exploring? Madness is an acceptance that there can be things, NOT, how you would expect them to be.
SHE was stunning. Her whole body and features were leaving me speechless, well actually stuttering.
“Who are YOU?” She stared, no smile,, totally passive, with, that dumb look, on her face, which reminded him of his Faeries. This time it was not the size of his equipment.
Or the desire on his part or parts, to have at her.. BUT why were his senses all in disarray askew? She was, making him horny. He wanted, to stop the arousal, but seemed incapable of doing so?
Was it Inexi? Messing with him, teasing him? Damm was she hot. All of the bits in all of the right places BUT that stare.. It is unnerving, to have HER, in front of me and saying NOTHING?
Finally I lost my patience. “Look if you are not going to talk to me or?”
“Bed me”, He had to shake his head, his ears, not believing what she was saying, what he was HEARING?
“Bed me”, there was some irritation OR was it frustration in her voice? as she repeated again.
“Bed me,BED ME”