Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


He violently raped her, the full flush of adrenalin at taking this bitch, who had slaughtered his Fodawke. She was NOT the victor, HE WAS.  Joden had no concept of being a loser, to him the mere thought of his Fodawke losing against the Cflen, enraged him. The fact that Dahhon had perfected a weapon, that was lethal against his pets?

Joden turned to Esleha, he knew that she was a symbol, of Dahhan’s power. The fact that he had the Queen of them all? He stripped her, flayed her bare skin, as she screamed and screamed the torn skin, the bleeding, the pain.

Now we’ll see who is the King!” He continued until she could barely move! He ordered the regen to remove her, reaching into a pack on the belt he had recently removed and laid on top of his clothing, he extracted a small syringe like object which he now pressed against his skin?

It contained some designer drugs, that enhanced his cortisone levels, aswell as boosting his totesterone. It would not be long before the drug kicked in as now he raped the other Cflen gladiator, renewed with the flush of fresh adrenalin from having taken, Dahhan's 'whore'.

This time the Cflen female was subjected to another round of his perversions and of course, violence from him as he wanted more. He felt the omnipotent power of doing, whatever he liked to her. Suddenly she started to fight back? NEVER could Joden ever recollect this happening.

He was not scared of such a reaction even if its sudden occurrence had caught him off guard. Once he regained his composure, he struck out at the female, hitting her hard, before moving to grip the whip. The fury unleashed of her daring to challenge him!

Fueled by that and a hatred for the female. Remembering that it was to him, the kiler, the enemy of his prize pets! Flaying her until she could barely move. Her skin torn, the marks across her, all too apparent.

He screamed his orders, regaining his breath, as the regen was brought back in, he ordered it to take her away prepare her for the Arena. Dahhan would want his prize Cflen in the Arena. He had leaned in as the regen lifted the female to take her out. “I could kill you, but weapon or no weapon, now my Fodawke, will rip your ucking head off! That will give me greater pleasure.”

At that moment in time, the female was to the point of dying. In her mind her thoughts, wrestling with the sheer terror of what had happened. Tinged with the will power to try and stop the pain, rippling through her body.

Yet Joden had left her with the will to survive whatever the odds, because the Arena offered her, where Joden was concerned, the only opportunity to get her own back. The regen Cflen, felt nothing. It was not able to. It placed her down in front of other Cflen females and left.

At least they, had their own medicines, The Cflen had learned from the Human(a). Comparitive to the ones manufactured by the Human(a)  they were very effective in dealing with pain. Some of the plants they grew, heightened the senses, gave strength, fortified the individual. Acting on the brain and its neural pathways?

They injected the drugs into her, her swollen mouth and lips where she had been repeatedly beaten by Joden, would not have allowed them to feed them to her. She laid back as the drugs started to take effect, almost, one might have said, immediately. Now it was time, despite the protestations, for her to make her entrance, back into the Arena?

They were there, Dahhan and Joden, along with the other Human(a), Dahhan was busy talking. He did not notice his Cflen enter, nor the condition she was in.

As the Regen Fodawke arrived with two more sons, it looked across at the Cflen female.
It saw the female was struggling, was in pain? It sensed it, felt its despair?

Watched as it moved clumsily. It wanted to hold the other Fodawke back but they had already moved, eagerly to engage her. The first Fodawke attacked, as the female, produced the blade, flashing in the light of day, it sliced into the Fodawke.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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