Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


Interned, in their hibernation capsules. The systems monitors, locked on and activated their active physical stimuli, their chem treatments to maintain their muscular and other skin tone, body mass and regular induced wave ,patterns, to stimulate cortical responses from the brain.

Eye movements, thought processes, stimulated by neural interfaces including Fie reality; a ‘program’ that was popular because it took your subconscious fantasies, thoughts and created dreamworld conditions. Everything else thrown in, from the beautiful to the more perverse. Ah the places, where this lot interacted, within their fantasies, of conquest, domination, subjugation.

Meanwhile their space craft, now entering supersonic speeds, was travelling through folded space, to their destination. Sometimes the systems encountered obstacles, that meant the sub light speeds, had to be dropped, for safetly reasons. Detectors and sensors, working with the navigation controls, would record all of the data as and when that happened.

The co-ordinates were preset for Humanaa colonies known as H1 as a starting point. A known easy route. The only real concerns, would be arriving at their destination. There was a known Sigmus Delta outpost, that housed a fleet of sub sonic interceptors; military scouts, who would carefully monitor their arrival. They would need to be bought off, OR!

IF they were the least bit suspicious, of the new arrivals? They would, send them off to colony H4 some considerable distance further. NOT good. H4 was a known pit of thieves and malcontents. Even good individuals could end up enslaved, bought and sold or beaten to death? Their cargo, their possessions looted.

Those concerns however, were unknown to them. There was still some distance to H1 No need for the sentry systems to wake them.
The sudden slowing of the craft, had been due to the detection of several large objects hurling at speed towards them. The defensive grid was being charged up and prepared for whatever it was?

The charging of the defence systems had been delayed. A fault in one of the stack arrays, had re routed signals, to the wrong system. That, was corrected, BUT an inevitable delay, of even milli seconds?

Two massive asteroids, now pounded the vessel. Some residual resistance due to , reaction from the defence system, that was operational, stopped the bulk of damage. from occurring.

Scraping past them, the final, section that was now starting, to operate its defensive system? It failed to prevent the shredding of one of the the navigational systems, forward satellites.

The damage to that, had caused a plasma power feedback surge. Shut down by the internal systems, to prevent it from damaging, any other internal OR external systems; especially life support and other vital controls.

It locked on, to its emergency protocols, with the priority given to reloading primary instructions put in place to protect the craft and its inhabitants? That, required a reset of all section 2 parameters, to a default, which also meant?

A substantial pre programmed data stack, hastily one might say, intalled at the last minute in a rush? Without the usual safe guards in place re  ‘do not erase, over write WITHOUT the security codes’ implemented; was erased.

When the systems reactivated? The AU control sensors, had calculated that the craft occupants needed to be revived. It had entered a solar system where the intense flare, from a dying sun of that system, caused a plasma surge, across the craft.

Hitherto, unknown to its system data stacks. any attempt to understand or interpret what to do next AND if there was a threat, re protecting the craft and its occupants? There was only one conclusion, one solution and that? lay with the occupants. It instantly operated the wake up procedures for all the crew!

The passive inductors had kept up muscle tone, the feeding and migration of waste allowing normal body functions yet chemically flushed with a preserving drug that Lumor had created? It worked perfectly.

Lakir, was the first to make his appearance. He, would be the one, who discovered the alarming errors on the navigational systems. On checking the systems data banks he realized to his horror the unfolding truth.

They were light years, he gradually came to realise to his horror; off course. Conclusions led to the understanding, that they were in a part of space, unknown to them, not recognised in any way, shape or form even to the most known galactic mapping.

He could however slowly piece together, the route as was, from ? Another loss of previous data had corrupted meaning the starting point re that was also in unknown space? NOTHING recognizable, about this part of space to where they were now?

The others on being acquainted with the facts? It would take them some time to accept the situation as being untenable. They had to come to terms with deciding what to do next and getting beyond this ‘dying sun’ might be a very good idea given the high leveld of radiation?

Some twenty four hours of our time, later? Safely out of the dangers from the radiation levels they were all in conference and deciding, on what to do next.
Finding somewhere, to form their own colony? There must be a habitable world somewhere, here amongst the astonishing number of planets, the systems had shown them?

There were certainly promising planets, some with almost identical systems to Earth, that could meet their requirements! Planets revolving around a sun or in some cases; suns. Probes could be launched, including remote satellitesl; to increase their data poaching.

One of the planets, had to be habitable! Not too hot, not too cold, with a breathable atmosphere? Some of their data systems and stacks, had needed repairs. Other necessary repairs and adjustments, also required attention. Modifying some of the probes scanning systems to gather more accurate and concise information for them so assess what planets could be considered by them was considered a good choice ?

The others had recovered from their hibernation. Accepting of the situation, they were now in, they were relaxing and at the same time happily, working on repairs to the craft.

Meanwhile the search continued. Small conference sessions, helped relieve, some of the tension, if any; as they viewed the various options presented to them on what the probes and satellites had relayed back to them.

About a week later, they found, what they reasoned, were looking for. The planet was almost identical to Earth. It had oxygen and all the right gases, plus it had pinky blue skies, temperate. What looked like plant life in abundance.

Other resources detected of value. OK, so it was one large land mass with the bulk of the planet being water. Not however SALT water, but samples indicated, clean fresh water?

Water now tested and found to be, containing microbiotic lifeforms. Nothing unexpected AND the creation of purification, cleansing systems by them, to make the water safe for use by them? Initial testing proved to be good. Checked and purified by their newly developed systems, rendered it perfect for drinking! The micro organisms, on further examination, were found to be harmless.

"We will be landing here." Lumor pointed to a flat area, beneath them, as the craft slowed, to drop with feet extended down. Minutes later the engines came to a halt.

Lumor, had not been in the control area, when it had landed. He, had been busy, checking the Regen tubes. To his horror, he discovered, that the generates genetic banks, had been left, without power, by the main systems.

The banks were full of sludge! The tubes with the Regen's in stasis, had been compromised. Rotting flesh, within the stasis gel. Useless. To even open them, within breathing space, would be lethal.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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