Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


Joden had been quietly laughing to himself. but had realised the stupidity of his actions, when the Fodawke had landed, and he too, was surprised at the fact that it, had WALKED. Standing over the creature, he was was removing it's head. A scan of the body.

He had Dahhan’s original data, recent data comparitives and could make comparisons was a bonus! What he discovered however shocked him again.

The brain has developed with even more lobes. Slight increase in size. That however, is shadowed by the other physical changes. The creature's claws have changed. You can see fingers, as we would know them; forming. Also its feet with toes? The feet, claws, have four sections not the original two Physiology has altered. Hence the reason it could walk.“

He pointed, to the claws on the feet, of the other Fodawke, originally examined by them. “It would not, be able to walk, on those, the skeletal system would not allow it. As for the bone structure, including the spine of the thing? Now that was something, to see, on the original. On this one?

Notice, the way the verterbrae, have become segmented. Allowing a lot more flexibility. Ligaments, muscles and more have also been upgraded! He pointed to the various differences. Lakir was fascinated. It amazed him, how quickly, the thing had evolved.

There’s also some differences, in the protein within the body fluids. It is remarkably close in composition to ours with red and white cells. Proteins are enhanced in the later model. As for its DNA? Here, here and here you will see, the extra DNA strings which I believe are stimulating the creatures developement not just physically but I suspect in a hell of a lot of other ways, mentally and psychologically!

Also, do you notice, the slight change in skin tone? Look here and now here?! Pigmentation is darker. The wings span has altered. In the newer versions, it appears, to be getting smaller. That could affect its ability to fly. However, the ligaments and muscles, have increased, so maybe, that takes care of that problem.

Overall, the body mass, is also smaller. Main thigh bones, as we would know them, are lighter in mass. A vulnerability, with the creature. Can be shattered if targeted in the right places, BUT, I should mention, that the skin on the beast, is tougher. Thus I think, that, compensates in affording the bone protection. Plus the muscular sheath, is also much stronger.

Lakir peered, at the DNA strands, then did a comparison against some Humana(a) DNA. “Apart from the fact, that their DNA spiral is the opposite of ours, the similarity is astonishing!” "I believe the thing, is more than capable, of all of our, thought processes.

If it, continues to evolve, at the rate it has, able to reason, to think, to use logic? It will regard us, as a nuisance, or ignore us. Either way, we had better come up with, some means to stop, the rapid changes, or suffer the consequences. Fully evolved? Ten of those things, could wipe us out!"

"What I want to know, is how these changes started! What triggered them?" Lakir knew almost straight away. The flushing of the Regen tanks, must have  left those ‘Rait’ things, to eat the waste, which probably, meant they were eaten, by the Fodawke?"

“Oh Hell! We’ve caused them to mutate.“ Lakir shoved the samples away. Drogs, had taken the remaining carcass, of the creature and dumped it, in the vegetation. Joden had been quick, to comment, on the possibility, of it being eaten by those things and then, passed on again to the Fodawke?

Above on a ridge, a Fodawke circled then swooped, to grab at an egg from a nest. Smashing it open, before gorging itself, on the contents. Another Fodawke, WALKED towards it. Picking up a rock, it smashed the rock into the feeding Fowdawkes head. Pounding relentlessly until the skull smashed open. The tiny brain cluster pulled from it befoe it kicked its body over the edge of the ridge. Dropping to smash against the rocks below.

There must have been, twenty or so, similar Fodawke around it. They looked at each other, some sense of approval? All of them, WALKING, towards an area, where they were now sat. One of them, started to talk, albeit indistinct and gutteral, but it was definitely a language of sorts, they were beginning to learn to communicate!

In a stone enclosed, covered place, resembling a cell, two Cflen huddled together, watched by two Fodawke. They were not killing them or hurting them. These had been captured, so they could watch, observe and listen to them.

Dahhan, had reached the main Cflen camp. Clearly the carnage, from the previous Fodawke attack, visible. The Fodawke had returned a few hours later to land! Not all the Cflen were hiding, it had been some time since the previous attack. This time however two Cflen had been seized and the Cflen had been shocked, to the point of terrified, to see the creatures WALKING! Now Loki smiled, as she saw Dahhan approaching with Arvania, bruised, battered and beaten AND naked!

There were no thoughts given by her, as to how, Arvania was. How she had been treated by this being? She had no time for Arvania, who to her, represented the old ways. One of those, who would not listen, to her views, her opinions. No! Here was a means to an end, he had weapons.  She felt she shared his desire to dominate, to terrorize; to have POWER. .

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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