Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


At the encampment, Lakir had been busy with completing the day’s security tasks. NOT in his sight but one of the Fodawke creatures had come back. It had circled, then dropped at speed, to feel the power of a sentinel laser array, as it targeted the creature. The weapons burst of energy across it, killed it within seconds.
Lifeless, it fell to the ground with a thud.

Within minutes a small crowd had gathered around it. Looking at it, its huge wingspan, as they had two ’drogs’, drag it out of the security barrier,  to the edge of the compound NOT to everyone’s approval.

“I just hope.“ Growls Lumor. "That creature doesn’t stink, when it rots!“ Lakir nodded. “I'll modify some of the drogs to drop it in the vegetation beyond. For the moment, it can stay there. They will probably have to hack off those wings." “Perhaps it will serve as a deterrent to any more attacks?”

“I wonder how big the ‘brain’ is on that thing”
“Lets hope, its not the size of Dahaan’s, or we're in trouble!“ They were laughing hysterically, when Dahhan came out of the shadows. He had overheard everything.

"Uck you lot! I hope if another of those things turns up” he glared at Caley. “You're its first course.  I think we should feed one of em Caley? If it ucking eats her, that will definitely guarantee, those things don't come back for us!“

If Lumor, had been deciding, on how to rid them of the corpse, of that thing, he was to be relieved, to see rodent like things darting out from the vegetation to tear chunks off it. If this continued, he surmised that those creatures,  might not leave anything but bone. Easily disposed of.

"I don’t think there’ll be much of it left, after they’ve gotten through with it! I think they’ve done us a favour. The drogs can dump the bones, refuse collection and disposal.“

Elsewhere, Dahhan was chilling out in his cabin, as we would call it. He was a heavy set, well built male. His lack of hygiene didn’t go down too well with the others. He often, had to bear the brunt, of and sometimes the humiliation, in front of others, especially harsh words from Gi. Not holding back on her verbal abuse, of his lack of hygiene.

After, one such tongue lashing. He was dwelling on what she had said. Once again, ridiculing him, showing him up in front of the others. Seething with rage, too much, to remain composed. He stood up, turned the radio unit off, headed out of the hatch towards her cabin.

Gi was also resting, she had used the cleanser unit, gently bathed her skin. She sat beneath the tone unit, totally naked, as it streamed, a gentle massaging spray, of soft oils, over her body, making it glisten slightly.

She laid back, relaxing, chilling out as she rested her eyes. Suddenly, the hatch flew open. He stepped inside, moving towards the other compartment to glare in at her. She opened her eyes, her moistened body, her naked gleaming moist female flesh. Sensing his prying eyes as they looked her over. She screamed!

He staggered towards her, leaned down and grabbed her, violently, dragging her off the tone unit, his hands around ehr throat, below her chin as he was now jerked her head back, against the bulkhead.

The unit she was shoved against creaked with her body weight against it, her head pinned as he leered at her, the stench of his breath, with the filthy, grubby, greasy overpowering body odour, almost stifling her.

“You uckin talk to me again bitch, the way you did earlier and I’ll personally, permanently, rearrange this pretty face of yours!
You think because you’re Caley’s bitch and Lum’s occasional uck that protects you! Well listen up bitch, next time I’ll not hold back!“

His fingers gripped, roughly squeezing, groping at her, sliding across her well proportioned assets,  to drop lower now between her legs.  He let her go of her. The unit shifted forward as he stepped back, then turned, shoving his hands over her again. mauling her. Pinching, twisting to have her scream.

The attempt, to kiss her, as she shifted slightly and her lips cleared his, as she almost choked; she screamed and screamed.His hand went to close her lips, silenced. He hissed in her ear. “Now that’s good, real good..“

It was brutal, sudden. He felt a blow to the back of his head, a surge of seering pain, as he turned, to see Caley who now dragged him back, shoved him through the hatch.

Kicking violently at him, the impact of her foot, up and into his groin, not once but twice, as he howled in pain. The crippling, pain from his beaten testicles, from his loins. As her body twisted and she leapt into the air, her feet now pummelled his chest, before she dropped to regain her footing on the deck.

Seonds later, he hit the deck cursing, his balls on fire, his chest seering pain from several cracked ribs, leaving him, trying to catch his breath. She was sat across him. The force behind her fist as it repeatedly slammed into his face twisting his head left and right, whilst she was, screaming at him.

“You uckin stinking, piece of shite. You come near her again an I’ll uckin end you!“ There was no reply, once more her fist slammed into him. Until she sensed he was close to passing out? His breathing laboured his inability to move? One or two more blows and ? Yet she did not finish him off.

Lets face it, in the rage, the fury, of seeing him groping Gi and what his filthy fingers were doing to her? In her fury, she could have. The stench now filling her nostrils and the the appearance of Suki saved him.

Caley stepped back from him, as he coughed and spluttered, trying to catch his breath, wheezing deeply;  groaning in excruciating pain. Suki had heard the noise and came rushing out, to see Dahhan sprawled on the floor.

Minutes passed as he floundered and finally struggled to his feet. They saw him stagger off, still groaning and clearly in agony. She looked at Caley who now turned shook her head, went back into the bath cubicle, to find Gi in the cleanser. Still shaking with water streaming across her body, as she frantically scrubbed her body sobbing.

“Its the stench, I can’t get rid of the stench of him.“ Blood from where she had scrubbed her skin so hard. Caley stepped into the unit, as Gi moved to feel her arms around her. “Its OK, he won’t dare, come near you again, let alone touch you I promise.“ She looked up at her, water running across their faces as she kissed her.

“That’s better Gi much better.“ Gi was loathe to let go of Caley, but then started to step back. Smiling? “What’s so funny ?” Gi ran her hands over Caley’s clothing. “Next time you shower, you could take your things off first?” “Oh shite.“ They were now both laughing.

The ‘drog’ was NOT a pleasure droid, but Dahhan had modified it, he often grabbed it threw it onto the recline unit lubed it and then pleasured himself. He threw it to one side, cursing the pain still surging through him, as he grabbed at a sedative injector priming it, doubled the dose on it, stabbing his arm with it.

Minutes later, it had flooded his bloodstream taking away the pain and leaving him sedated, plus on a high? A side effect some thought pleasant? He slumped onto the recline. In his mind, the naked vision, of Gi. THAT BITCH! “I’ll see you dead bitch.”

If that ucking Caley, had not interfered, he would have had her. He was sensing frustration some semblance of sexual deprivation tied up with frustration. He needed to be relieved. It had been too long, too dammed long, since back on Earth, he had grabbed that elite stuck up snobby bitch, from the research center, dragged her into one of the storage areas and brutally raped her.

He had enjoyed the look of fear on her face, the pleading, the begging, and the stark realization showing on her face, that she was powerless. Utterly weak and defenceless;  against his onslaught. Knowing, hat there was NOTHING she could do, to stop him taking her, his victim, his elite whore, abusing her to levels beyond degradation. That was more than the adrenaline rush, he had had from dragging her off to rape her. It was tearing off her clothing with slow but intense pleasure on his part.

It had resulted in him, ending up so high in the moment, being beyond reason, then endorphin rush, the surge of rippling plesure after pleasure,  as he had tore her open, left her beaten and covered in blood. Her last gasp of air as he throttled her

Feeling another flush of adrenalin flood his senses, the memory of her, as she tried to summon up, what little strength, what courage she had left, to fight him off. Leaving him even more rampant for her, he had beaten her again and raped her again. Until her last breath.

As for those two bitches! Gi? He would bide his time, wait until the time was right and there would be a day, an hour, a minute; when he would have her. Caley, if you could call her a bitch! He grinned, nope he’d have to do a whole lot of ucking DNA rearranging to call THAT a bitch. He would bide his time, get her on her own away from here, use a stunner on her and have a slow protracted, final hour for her; of sweet revenge, he would relive every moment, he had savoured with that elite bitch on Earth.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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