Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


Caley had not forgotten, to tell Lumor, what had happened re Dahhan and the incident with Gi. He was furious, threatening to impose restrictions on him, if he tried it again, which would secure him in his quarters.

The Regen units, were working, so far, no problems detected. It would be another two days, before they could assess the first of the Regeneratives. ‘Regens’ were used for experimental purposes, invaluable for assessing how drugs, treatments worked. Infections, skin and biological experimentation.

They weren’t family or adopted, they were GROWN, as Lumor always emphasized, for ‘purely experimental purposes.’ It was later that morning, that Dahhan, was sent off, to find some fresh water, to replenish the main tanks.

He took a terrain mobi, unit with him. Pump units, to fill it and filter it, as it was pumped, into the reservoir tank unit. Additional spectral and other equipment, made sure it was not contaminated.

Truth be told, Dahhan was glad to get away from the camp. Knowing he could encounter that creature?
He had taken the precaution, of loading extra Enercen packs for emergency backup of the fully powered weapons array.

If any Fodawke attacked, he would be easily able to destroy them, before they did any damage.
Landing by the first lake, he came to, he did the usual tests and finding it OK, started pumping water into the tank.

Now technology as it is, well speed wise, it still was not blink your eye, the tank is full. It would take time.
No, he had to wait, so he thought he would explore, around the lake.

Taking his weapon with him, he ventured toward the brush on the left of the craft. There seemed to be a open space beyond, what we would call trees, as he moved in closer, he could now see the clearing.

Arvania had landed to avoid a Fodawke flying overhead, it had spotted her, but she had been too quick in landing. As she scuttled in amongst the trees, she breathed a sigh of relief. It had not followed her.

Some Fowdawke, actually died, flying into trees chasing Cflen. She had been walking through, when she came to the clearing. The Fodawke had been circling. Seeing its chance to grab its prey again, it swooped down its claws out, to scoop her up.  Dahhan had stepped into the clearing to see Arvania and then became aware of the Fodawke? .

Taking hold of his weapon, almost a reflex action on his part, in response to the oncoming threat, he fired, not once but three times, until its wings folded in and it dropped, crashing into the trees.
Landing some  feet from them. Its wings, wedged between branches.

Arvania stared, transfixed watching, until she was now, feet from its carcass and staring at it. A sense of relief?

Dahaan, was not looking at the Fodawke. His eyes were on her.
Surprised yes and certainly at the figure now stood leaning over the Fodawke? He almost shook his head, readjusting his sight, to take in what appeared to be a female?

She was, he noted, almost Human(a) Her body was well formed, she had breasts, firm and beautifully pert. Wearing a light form of covering which showed them to perfection, her legs, her thighs, her face and eyes?

The wings?? She had WINGS. If it were not for the wings she would be, to look at, easily mistaken for being Human(a).

He was careful, NOT to scare her, as he stopped and glanced in her direction, her eyes now on him.
He smiled and then started to talk at her. Thinking to himself. ’She won’t understand, a thing I’m saying.' BUT at least he could watch her reaction? He was also wondering if she had any language, let alone hearing?

When. she replied, almost perfectly in his tongue? He almost fell over. She moved to look at the weapon in his hand. “I have to thank you. We do not have things like this.“ Stepping closer to him he could now see the spear lying on the ground behind her that had obviously been out of sight? Primitive it might have been but It looked as if it could have done some serious damage.

Dahhan. kept the conversation going. Unknown to her, he operated a small device that scanned her body, recording data he would be taking a good look at later. She did not know at all, what he was doing, but she sensed his curiosity.

“So how, did you know I was Human(a)?“ He could get no answer. She was loathe, to tell him how she knew. That as far as he was concerned, could wait.

“Our Queen, is not happy about you being here.“ He explained what they were doing. “This planet had all the resources we need to carry on our work and..“ He paused, his eyes running down her body. “Ideal in so many ways. Perfection.”

“It would be perfect for us too, if it were not for the Fodawke, who hunt us. Their numbers are increasing.”
Smiling as he shifted closer to her. She was showing some unease, He was she noted, huge. massive torso, bulky muscular arms and ! Some fear on her part?

He ignored her discomfort, as he grabbed hold of her.
Touching her, running his hands over her, squeezing her, feeling her warmth, her body against his. while he hissed at her.

“We could help you, fight those creatures. There are other things apart from weapons, we have that could be used, to kill them with ease, wipe them out.

She was, he noted, warm blooded. Her skin, soft, though colored, but he knew the skin pigmentation was from the soil. A multi tone effect to her skin. She pulled away from him. She was not liking his use of force against her. A growing sense of unease?

“It is not our right, to kill them all, simply to cull them to acceptable numbers, that is how it has always been, that is OUR way.“ Pulling away from him, she sensed she would have to be careful.

“I have to go, my people will be worried! I will tell them of what I witnessed today, I am sure we will come back to let you know more.“ She pointed to the right.

“Further along, is a large flat rock, you can land your craft on.
I will meet you there, when the suns rise again." She stepped towards the middle of the clearing, picked up the spear, now beyond the wings of the beast as she stepped forward, to lift off.

Flying off. It was strange, to see a being so Human(a) in form that had wings and they actually worked?
He noted how easy it was for her to lift from the ground, to hover with hardly any movement at all of the wings.

She could fly, with little effort, between the trees. He cursed the fact, he had not brought a tracker, with him that he could have attached to her, to find out where she had gone.

Still he had, his data scan, recorded data. That would be interesting to find out what that had recorded, he climbed inside the craft then took some DNA ‘tipplers’.

Small probes, he ran across his hand where he had touched her skin and under his nails the collected dead skin cells. Now he put them into his device, he knew it would take a little while for full processing of the data? It was time to head back.

The tank full, he now took off and headed to base camp. He had been hot and bothered by ‘her’ presence.  From the side he could clearly make out her pert ample breasts her body shape, the softness of that beautifully colored, skin.

Hell, she was almost, as good looking as Gi. He had been aroused by the thought of taking her. Sexually he wondered what it would be like, if she had the same reproductive systems?

A whole lot of thoughts, most of them immoral, went through his head. He had to know their weaknesses!
The power he was holding in the palm of his hand. As he now plugged the devices in, ran the device storage and data analysis routines on the samples he had collected.

Arvania too, had felt strange feelings, it was the testosterone, the male pheromones, from his sweat he had emitted that were affecting her in ways she had not experienced before.

Her thoughts, were a mix tainted by pheromones AND emotions she had never experienced before BUT. She could see no reason not to trust him and the meeting had been revealing.

He had no idea, of the inbuilt weapon her hands carried, that could easily pierce his chest, his skull? 

To tell the others what had happened?

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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