Jess Corbin The Cflen - Vol 1 The nature of the beast.


In the beginning when all this had begun?

Drummond Phoenix owned the Sand Flight consortium. It regularly arranged trips into space and amongst his development team, he had those from Hesat, helping him with his projects, to get qualified Human(a) beings, into space. There had been colonists, explorers, venturers who had gone before. Of course, going into space created its own problem.

The Human body was not responding well, to its experiences of prolonged trips in space, all that non gravity, weightlessness and more. Bone density loss, muscle tone and other physiology issues cropping up all the time.
As for gravity? The new Gravex 905 systems changed all that.

Rotary systems, that delivered artificial gravity, gave a whole new lease of life to the space cruisers. Making Drummond his fortune. He had also monopolised rights on the Gravex systems. He became a billionaire overnight.

The adaptation to long haul cruisers, to research vessels and colonists venture class ships. Soon an armada of vessels was leaving Earth. Thus it was nothing unusual to see several new craft, fitted out, ready for sale, to those who could afford it. All completed, with the latest systems, ready to take off and go!

Those on the run, knew, if they were to stay alive they had to leave, NOW! Thus a T87S9 Star cruiser as it was known, left Earth, early the next morning. Into space and onboard? The most wanted, the worst of the worst.

They were not, the only craft leaving.
Three craft, one after another, in succession. Taking the trip into space, its occupants with the resolve, to find another planet, another place, to continue their experiments. They had invented the ‘worm’. Many of their friends, their colleagues back on Earth had had their possessions seized, their families enslaved or executed by the new alliance.

ONE DAY they would return to Earth and take their REVENGE.

On Earth, when it was discovered, that some of the worst of the worst, had escaped? Celebrations? Well, for those who knew they were gone?
WHO they were? Quite a party.

SO WHO were, they?

Scieste James Lumor, had been well aware of the growing contention amongst the peoples, but he along with six others, had contrived to prepare themselves, for the inevitable. To that end, he had purchased from Drummond, a specially commissioned vessel. It should be added that this was some time BEFORE, the arrests and the investigations began.

Lumor had been no fool, he reasoned, that there were opportunities out in space, that could be of value to them. See, it was not just about wealth, not just about prestige? No! A psycopathic need, to be able to reach out, to be a God, in his own right? Had he not created life? Able to change it on a whim?

His views, shared by others. Ah yes, you could say; all of those with him. Psychotic, psycopathic mixed with masochism or sadism? They were known to be in the top twenty of the most wanted!

Thus leaving and being able to find other life, other planets, had seemed very attractive to the? even the thought, of finding an established Human(a) colony. and gradually taking it over appealed.
Let us not forget that they had far worse than the ‘worm’ re mind control and more.

Robotic AND ‘REGEN’ sentient genetically spawned beings. that would obey their every command, could be used as sentries AND military killers. Their two headed beast was one of their most awesome creations. Unfortunately, it had a low survival rate. Genetically it could survive for about twenty four hours before ending up as primal sludge.

The craft contained incubation and full laboratory facilities including the genetic banks and nestes. Regen tubes with the regens already in them that simply needed to be released and put to work. Cloned slaves, satisfying their urges as and when required.
Once contact had been made and the others aware of the ship, the dock and time of departure?

When the day arrived THEY were ready.

It was necessary to hide their escape from the planets eyes and ears; the defence systems? Thus, they followed the trail of a large Earth freighter so that they could lose themselves in its vapour trail, enabling them to slip out into space, undetected.

It worked for their craft, it did not for the other two following them. Federa Galacia craft, that ordered them to return to Earth. The refusal? The destruction occurred, some twenty minutes later, of both of them; vaporised.

Lumor had seen, had witnessed, their destruction. He had family on one of those vessels. He was now cursing and in his usual temper, throwing things around. Expressing his rage? It was the only way he understood; with force.

The others simply looked on, somewhat relieved, they knew he had a violent temper. Best NOT to stick around! They headed for their incubation chambers.
Already programmed in the co ordinates to he Orion system. Know for several substantial Human(a) colonised worlds.

James Lumor. In charge.

He had brought them together and after they had been settled into their pods; he carefully set the star system navigation auto pilot and retired to his pod. Once they reached the chosen system, the craft would slow and revive them all.

So who were the others?

Caley Corigan.

A bio genetics physicist, who had also developed, a bio weapon, purchased by the military, but never used? It was more than capable of mass destruction. The reason it had not been used? It was feared, not just by those it could be used against, but by those who could use it.

Dahhan Betchi.

A geneticist and former government advisor, on bio molecular farming, targeted by the organics extremist factions as the face, behind the terrible plague, that swept east Asia, killing thousands. Crops mutated, to produce a deadly toxin, consumed by rats then spread by them, as plague.

Helped Joden, develop and mass produce, the worm.
That moment, when he had relished releasing the virus that killed it!  The insane delight, at seeing the worm turn?!! The world thrown into an apocalypse!

What it afforded HIM, during the madness, were the opportunities, to indulge himself, in seizing what he wanted, taking, raping, killing and hiding the corpses he left in his wake lost amongst the chaos, the murderous aftermath.

Joden Hesler.

One of the most wanted. The INFAMOUS BUTCHER, who took over two hundred families and changed their DNA codecs, deliberately infecting them with the various adaptations of the original worm.

Modifyng, altering the DNA to perfect its toxin. Murdering over 300 men, women and children; leaving the others brain dead. Failure to prove his guilt meant he eventually, walked free.

Gi Jiran

A former International beauty queen, deemed partner, to Caley and provided the new genetic bonding materials, for all future generates as they call them in Humana form. She is, as Caley refers to her. ‘Perfection incarnate’. In looks, skin, body and beauty; the ONLY template for our future generates, be it male or female. Her DNA codecs will be the core ingredient.

Lakir Fiedlan.

Bio physicist and geneticist. He worked with Caley on the bio weapon and also on the new dermatologic intuit facility, for skin regeneration. Development of the Regen.
Experimented on new ways of reproducing skin cellular structures.

Suki Omasi

A Dematologist, responsible for the work and papers, on new cellular dissipation and creation techniques. An avid fan of Lakir’s former student, who he bedded and then adopted as his co worker.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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