Jess Corbin The Cflen The Kiss of the Gods.  

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen









The Cflen, had been the first, to arrive at the Zealots encampment. The sight that now greeted them, was something they had never witnessed before. Jess Corbin the Cflen Kiss

A massive plasma weapon used, by whom? To wipe out a sizeable area like this would go beyond even what they possessed. They had to call for some of their Sciestes to investigate.

There WERE some Zealots who were found but they had been out on patrols. Distant ones and the sight of the Cflen AND the carnage that now met them?

Any, attempt on their part, to attack the Cflen was met with a feeding frenzy. Swallowing back the last of them, well the ones here; before the Cflen headed back to their main stronghold.

Local militia, was now seeing what they had been told the Cflen had stumbled upon. Absolute carnage, destruction of such a magnitude it was to them even harder to comprehend.

Moreso with the Cflen, telling them, they had nothing to do with this. Which left a lot of unanswered questions.

The huge Zealot transporter was empty. Inaccessible, as it, had deployed emergency shut down of all of its hatches.

Lys, had noticed the Zealots, getting into heated conversations. The Cflen had received a transmission which saw them now shifting to talk to the Zealots.

Se Tri made it clear to them. “It is over. YOUR attempts have been  ended.” She pulled out a shelde unit and let it illuminate. Now seeing the site of their main encampment?

Hard to believe? Yet it was difficult for them to not go and find out for themselves. IF the orders had been originally NOT to let them leave, to kill them?

The Cflen convinced Lys and the others that the Zealots were no longer a threat. Insignificant numbers of them and once they realized that they would be forced to leave.

They, would seize, the rest of them and, take them off the planet. Leave them elsewhere far from here.

Sin Fer, was in communication, with Ulrik and the others. He, had already, heard back from their militia. The site was a grave yard of epic proportions. SinFer300

The Cflen Sciestes had sealed off certain parts of it but were still none the wiser as to what had happened. The ash was ash. Silica, glass, carbon and that was it.

There were some slight traces of Deutronium and a rare Nieo 4 but in too small an amount to ever have been the cause of whatever plasma weapon was used.

A smell of ? methane. Etched into some stone work looking spookily like shadowy outlines of beings... a row of them. Everywhere on the ground a criss crossing mass of black strips.

No irradiation, detected. Once the Zealots left, they could repurpose, reinhabit the place. Get it back to how it had been. A place of natural beauty.

The space craft was untouched. A defensive shield protecting it? It was not only impenetrable but immovable. That was a problem.

Sometimes, enemy vessels, could be booby trapped, to ie explode, detonate destroying all around it? The Cflen secured the area around it making sure NO one could get close.

No one knew, how the Zealot transporter craft was powered, operated or ? Not even the remaining Zealots who were now being rounded up. Some twenty of them mostly couples who were accepting they were in trouble.

NO commuication, a way they could send a message. Too many locals were not willing for them to send for reinforcements? The Cflen would deport them.

The craft, would not respond, to any of the remaining Zealots. They to it were not worthy of such without a God present? An appointed commander.

Se Tri had spoken to her main command. They were looking at the journals from, Tolgani to see if he had any answers?

The Human(a) were deliberately made aware of the situation
Why don’t you take a look and afterward uck off would be a pretty good interpretation. Jess Corbin The Cflen kiss

NO one, knew, HOW, WHO WHY. Just that this was as is. The FACT that hundreds, had been wiped out.

One could say, in the blink of an eye was more than compelling for some to have second thoughts?

Heleija, however, was viewing the whole scene her eyes scanning over it and as she did so?

So, they had done, what those she had seen before do, re this level of destruction. Powerful, very powerful.

The beings were a 7th generation race. Sentient beings. To them, other races, could an annoyance. If you challenged some and she did add SOME, not all were like it, BUT.

Those, that sought to punish, would use that knowledge, they possessed, to create a weapon, on this magnitude. The results would be the same. Total or close on annihilation.

YET, the peculiar aspect, to all of that theory was the remaining space craft. Before EVERYTHING had been turned to dust. NOTHING,  absolutely NOTHING remained.

Legends, persisted in the Qiverse. A lot of them as on early Earth, Solus 3 re Gods. Upset them and, you were doomed. Jealous, possessive, envious and you did NOT upset them.

As for, ah yes, the terror of the Qiverse that had those obnoxious Zealots trailing after it. Just like this lot re their Masters, now what were they called..

Ah yes, the Matsupa. Noby had joined her. He too was finding the carnage hard to take in. The old Earth tale of wht was it, Sodom and Gomorah?

Surprised, he remembered that one. Helieja stopped. The black ash, the strange black outlines of the figures on the wall. Burned alive, incinerated just as the those thick black lines were probably those of the Zealots ?

Day and night the wall of flame went before them.. The forest area in front of the encampment was a wide flattened expanse. As though something had trampled it down?

Animals? Fleeing that wall of fire. Noby had cleverly put two and two together. BUT as to the vagaries. Not so lucky there. The only conclusion they needed to consider is staying or leaving?

At the moment, it seemed,  they would not, be attacking the locals? Until they could understand the situation with more clarity it might be tempting fate in maybe upsetting a 7th generation being?

The Cflen in all fairness, had no such concerns. In her absence their encampment had been attacked. To the point half of its inhabitants were being consumed.

Those Zealots, taken care of now they could focus their attention on the Human(a).

It, was the usual, Cflen savage attack, with the release of its b’stard spawn of the BEAST running amok.

The terror, the sheer horror, at seeing those things chomping down on someone who you had just shared a meal with? No more need to be complaining about the food on their part.

The retreat, to their transporter for some of them saved their lives. The Cflen, did not have, the tin openers handy, thus retreated.

After the main course, that had been freely available, was now consumed. They would come back later, for the rest of them.

Heleija, was in a state of shock, when she returned, to discover, what had taken place.

The locals were celebrating. A full on celebration would wait but for now, yes definitely time to celebrate. They had posted some guards around that space craft.

Advised by the Cflen to not, let any one, go near it as it might trigger a reaction in the form of .. well that they were not sure but one thing was certain, it was not worth the risk.

As night started to fall. Those standing guard were being relieved. Two others now replacing them. Not too enthused about being placed on guard duties?

Fooling around, until they started drinking. It would not be long before they were fast asleep. Two figures approaching them and not concerned they were there.apoolate350

A female and, another one of their ‘beings’? Not exactly the same as Z3 but similar. It led them close to the spacecraft as now one of the hatches opened for them.

She looked around as they moved to step inside. Fools, they had no understanding of her presence nor the power she held against the other Zealots.

An ‘Aposos’ A true believer, one gifted with certain powers by her masters the Matsupa. More powerful than the fool Bola.
The hatch closed behind them as she now entered the ‘command centre’.

All around them the mass of screens. came to life. Now sending a signal, deep into space. Information, information and it would not be long before those destined to receive it would do just that.

The reply was not long in coming. One of their ‘Gods’ was already approaching their planet. They should remain in the craft.









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