Jess Corbin The Cflen The Kiss of the Gods.  

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen









Lunar, had seen, the arrival of the two craft. One of them, she recognised as the Cflen. She, breathed, a sigh of relief. At least now they had some allies, who were not to be trifled with.

The arrival, of a craft in space, a massive craft would be a warning to all below. It was a Galacia Federa warship and not a vessel to be trifled with. Its captain now signalled to it. Advising them of the ongoing situation.

A blockade, of any other vessels from entering the planet. Those below, had to submit, to sending their so called ‘emissaries’. War, would NOT be permitted. Any act of hostility, would be met with punishment from, seizure of their property, weapons and more by  the Galacia Federa.

The Zealots? were sending a signal out into space. The Cflen? were sending a signal out into space. The Human(a) well they had no need to send for help, the Galacia Federa were mostly Human(a).

Xixi of the Cflen, receiving the transmission, she was now aware of the fact, that the Galacia Federa, had sent in one of their warships. With Human(a) onboard?

Se Phri was soon to be made also aware. Not forgetting the invading Human(a) force hell bent on retribution? They knew WHERE their prey was, the strengths and weaknesses,

Fear of the Galacia Federa? True most races in the Qiverse would not be stupid enough to challenge them. But then the Galacia Federa was made up of many races from the Qiverse.

The Cflen? They were only after the Human(a) and the commander of that vessel? A prize to be butchered, if not eaten, as a delicacy, by the b’stard spawn of the BEAST.Jess Corbin The Cflen Kiss

Two, of the most powerful of their vessels, was now headed towards that vessel. The ‘pure bloods’, were merciless killers. The BEAST, would once again, feel the full on fury, of those who would slaughter them with no, absolutely NO mercy.

NOT, that the Galacia Federa vessel, was a ‘sitting duck’. Its weapons arsenal, defensive capabilities, were far superior to almost all, within the Qiverse.

It’s commander? Jesi was known for his strategic skills. The crew were well trained and more than capable adversaries but also VERY loyal to its commander.

Invaluable insight, gained from his visit to the Vae, had given him an edge a lot were unaware of. Those below, who were capable of inflicting some serious guerilla style warfare, that he, would never have liked to be against.

As allies however; the odds were definitely stacked in their favour. The inhabitants wanted those who had arrived to be dispatched. Already below that WARNING protocol had been delivered.

Releasing two, satellite devices, that now orbited the planet. Scanning the whole planet. Deep penetrating ‘radar’ as we would know it, that went beyond the forest, to the ground below. Across and over the mountains and beyond.

The imaging was intense, revealing all to the naked observer.
The power of these devices was beyond comprehension.
The advantage they had now increased ten fold.

Now all he had to do was to identify who was who, who was where and ?

It was then his screens went dead. NOTHING! systems wise or similar functioning. Worse still, outside the craft, the space imaging had changed, as for the non existence of the PLANET which had now mysteriously vanished.

All life support and, other necessary systems, were functioning normally. Engines, motion, even defence systems; non existent. Those who had been talking to him suddenly realised, their communications terminated.

A residual temporal shift. The Jester smiled. NOW that you all are safe AND out of the GAME, we can coJess Corbin The Cflen Kissntinue. Now to make some other moves re the Cflen?

Sejai of the Cflen, had been made aware, of the absence of the Galacia Federa craft, it would appear, leaving the system at speed?

She informed Xixi, who informed Se Phri. Bringing their planned excursion to an abrupt conclusion.

The sight of two strangers in the Vae, NOT, the same, as those, they had, come across, proved for some, to be a  not so good encounter?

Aderan and Ulrik, had seen them, approached by two, of their interstellar traders. Bibs and Bobs as they were called who had just finished loading up their assignment, cargo; mostly of dried fish.

Curious, to know what race they were? It was then their bodies lit up with strange circular lights. They said nothing but the two traders turned tail and ran.

The ones who steal your souls? They were NOT but the similarity was terrifyingly close to the ones they had heard stories of. If Alders had wondered why those traders took off at such speed they would get no answers.

Lys, would discover later, they were called Mis and Adr. They said nothing, but in her head, Lys could ‘hear everything’. Energy packs. The atmosphere here needed to be filtered by them.

They, did not, have blood in their bodies. Silica based lifeforms with a powerfully pro active array of optical pathways which allowed their body parts to function and co exist within them.Jess Corbin The Cflen Kiss

Looking for others. Dolly? Nips? Ah yes, Lys knew of them and now sent Ever G, to go fetch them  Never mind their desire to see them, she needed to talk to them.

Cocu, was one of her male customers. Well liked by her, for his regular patronage, but also, because he knew things, many others, were NOT privy to.

Technically, he, was a VERY, smart individual. Technology and all that encompassed was 2nd nature to him. Ever G was his favourite female.

He loved her for the simple feline she was. No airs and graces there, yet she was no simpleton.

Clever, very clever and when she needed to be, resourceful.
Ever G  liked him, for the way, he always, treated others around him with respect, regardless of who they were.

“I know where to find them.” Ever G smiled. “I suspected you would. Let’s take my low rider.” He was nodding as they headed out of the inn and were now stepping towards a building housing the LR.

They, had started, to open the hatchway, when another low rider, landed nearby. Jiaa with Lear. “Oh good. Saves us a trip.” Some relief or was it? You might have detected some disappointment as Cocu scowled. NOT too clearly but definitely feeling the disappointment?

“We’re unloading, some crates and, heading over to the Inn, for some refreshments. We have to go elsewhere afterwards so can’t take them up to Dolly and the rest of them. You two, can take them to the mountain hideaway.”

He handed them a small circular disk. Cocu recognised it almost immediately. “An encypted OObie, not seen one of them for awhile.” Jiaa smiled. Jess Corbin The Cflen Kiss

“Anyone approaching them now, needs that disk.Otherwise you risk being targeted by the new arrays.” Leah drew them in close. “War is coming. We have some news, that YOU two must be communicated to Ulrik and the rest of them.”

She handed Cocu a bracelet. It looked nothing unusual and more of a trinket appearance about it then anything else. He knew of course that it was far more than that.

“He knows what to do with it. Even if it falls into the wrong hands it will not reveal anything.” She pressed it against his arm as it now melded into it.

“ You, need to talk with Lorei and Lukk. Lukk will be back within the next few hours, Lorei is helping him with some others to locate certain important items.  The less you know the better re that!

The strangers, will have to wait. Also Lorei will have to clear them as OK before taking them near them in the mountain base anyways. Use the communicator and the OObie? Cocu nodded.

“Talk to Dolly, clear them with her or might I suggest you let them talk to her and, it should be fine. She might, want them to do other things depending on their skills or abilities.”

True unknown to them Mis and Adr who were taking in refreshment did indeed have some unusual skills. Dolly had called them, made it clear they were needed. NOT taken lightly by them.

Thermal engineers, scieste. Volcanic or helping business enterprises re related geology and they could turn a small profit. Drax mines, gemstones, gold and silver ore? OR Trexl in the caves, mines? Want to blow it up, cause a seismic shift or ?

Nips, had been working, with locals and, in the Vae, south of the main lake. Commander Noby was an Human(a) who had landed with the elite forces. His encounter with Nips was one that had taken him by surprise.

She was no pussycat, that was for certain. She liked him the moment she laid eyes on him. Big, strong, powerful. Just how she liked her males. HE was soon realising that you don’t say no to her.

Finding out, or trading information with her? Not happening, she litteraly as we might say, banged his brains out. He could hardly stand after that all night session.

Noby, had to locate and, retrieve the weapons caches, left by the former colonists. Now Nips, knew all that he knew and, had passed that information onto Lorei who was ecstatic.

They, would be raiding those sites and, retrieving the weapons well before he ever got to them. The discovery of some of them was in itself a real delight. There were some advanced plasma weapons but most of all some night equipment AND scanners, VERY advanced SCANNERS. Jess Corbin The Cflen Kiss

It was, some time before, Noby could stagger to his feet and, walk again, well partly, without stumbling like some drunken fool. A few times he might have tried that to be dragged back beneath her..

Numbers, skills, deployment and more re plans, strategies ? All known and passed on to those Lorei deemed should be made aware. Lorei had sent her over a crate which when she opened it she smiled.

Exotic clothing and not cheap. A thankyou from those other than her who were now unpacking the weapons? In council and deciding what to do next.

HoHo and HoJo, were busy sorting out, those present, for weapons training. Checked and listed by Lorei in order of strength, capabilities and how clever they were had proven to be a real surprise.

Dumb they were not, well OK there was  KoBi, but, he had proven himself a very capable adversary re his fists.

HE, was given the task, of training the others, in combat skills. Should, they need to use brute force, then they had at least some training. SiLo had seen her male, proving he was more than capable of being their teacher.

He also knew, some sneaky tricks, which he had tried on the Human(a) scum. They were brought to their knees. Rage written all over their faces to the extent, they had sold him, to be a prize fighter, an exhibit  in their arena.

Something those proposing that, in front of a Cflen? Losing their heads, NO. Getting eaten by the b’stard spawn of the BEAST? Now that was something he would never forget.

HE, was such a cutey. Nips was finally leaving him to head over to the new mountain fortress they were busy putting together. Noby had started patrols to retrieve those weapons. NOT good, not good at all.

IF, there was some suspicion, that their whereabouts, had been discovered, due to treachery within his own? NO. That was NEVER going to be the case.

Nips, was too stupid to be anything but a good time feline and given recent events he had been worn out AND she had been with him. That let her off the hook.

Damm, his loins were still recovering, from the rampant attacks by her. She only had to touch him there and, that was it. As for all that gear she wore.. even the whips and chains had driven him crazy.

The Zealot commamder Bola, had gathered the remaining troops under his command that were not in the main control module. He took four of them including Zuke who he now butchered in front of them.

There was no mistaking the rage. He took the other three smashed their bones. 4 of his best sub commanders now given knives to cut them open, rip their hearts out and throw them to the drix (dogs).

Their women, children, were chained and sold off as slaves. to some of the most violent and depraved amongst them. NO getting drunk or disorderly. Rape, pillage, plunder, whoring; BUT no drinking.

The Zealots, would take their mob army and go on a killing spree.

NO locals, on this the first of their pleasing their GODS, were to be spared. Slaughtered, butchered, whored until they were dead. He had no idea who was going to arrive as the High Priestess and Priest had told him he would soon be seeing the true power of an Ancient.

Of the Matsupa. No failure would be tolerated by such a being. Fail him and they would face the true wrath, that went beyond, any terror they could inflict on their worst enemies.

A female, slipped carefully away from the mass of them, into the night. The forest beyond, where she would soon reach a clearing. A figure stood watching as she now appeared before IT.

“Tommorrow, they will be storming the Vae. NOT a living thing, will survive their onslaught.” IT smiled. The game, ah yes the game, was about to start and, those, who thought their evil could prevail?

She heard the noise. A rising crescendo, crushed branches, an almost thunderous sound of ?

Louder, louder and louder until.. she stepped back as she felt the arms around her..









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