The ‘destruction’, of the ‘Soul seeker’; had not, gone unnoticed. Unknown to those on the planet, a small craft had landed, close to the Vae but maintaining an invisibility shield. 
Its occupant, to venture out being as careful as it could be NOT to draw attention to itself. The helmet was unusual BUT for some it would have indicated the wearer had problems with the atmosphere the air, the the...
Truth was, nothing like that, the wearer could NOT remove it as it would reveal several markings AND baldness, the marks of a Zealot ‘Cleric’
Clericas, have powers, granted to them, by their ‘GODs. the ‘Accolyte’ OR, though VERY rare, that from a ‘Pure blood’ GOD.
They were different to the Aposso. The tearing out of a heart could only be carried out by a Clericas. ‘Male or female’ the ‘gender’ was NOT specific to IT.
It was also not unusual, for a ‘Clericas’ to be assigned SCOUTING duties. THEY, would go ahead, of an invasion force OR, as sent by a Matsupa GOD.
The area, had been mapped already by the Matsupa occupation forces, thus it knew where to find what it was looking for? The Aposso Loj was on the planet having travelled through a ‘Portai Semperu’. IT had no intention of doing that.
IF Loj was in trouble, he needed to know. His GOD Accolyte Nom nom had been too preoccupied with all of the treasure and more that that filthy heretic ‘Lips’ had delivered into her treasure coffers.
Nervous that Loj, might, give away, too much information AND, put that treasure hoarde at risk of being taken, by force or deception, re others, was a normal kind of paranoia, the Accolytes, were more than used to.
The vessel, had been taken over and, some, had converted to the new religion, their new GODs, whilst those, who refused, were sacrificed OR, cast out into space.
He personally, had enjoyed, the sacrificial rites, of two Kevletling babies, to their GODs. Nom nom, had feasted on one of their hearts, sucking back the blood, delighting in the freshness, the purity and the kiss from her to his lips, for him to suck back, some of that, was total pleasure.
He had taken Lips and, after chaining him up, violently thrashed him. The added ecstasy that had generated was the highlight of his current existence.
Nom nom, was too occupied, with counting her new found treasure, to be bothered about Lips. Some desire, to tell Loj, what he had done, as he was sure, she, would be delighted, to know, Lips fate. A fitting ending that, had been at his hands.
Meanwhile Loj, had woken, savouring the previous time, where she, had used a whip, on her primitive. Beating him mercilessly. before and after all, of the most perverse and, sadistic means at her disposal.
Of course unknown to Loj? That was NOT Raffety. A generated ‘similar’ had been created by the Jester. Deliberately as it was necessary for some deception to continue. Lysa was getting to know more and more.
Meeting up, to enjoy, some early refreshments, avoiding mentioning Raffety and, noting Loj likewise was saying nothing. NOW Lysa knew where the vessel was, WHO the Accolyte GOD was and all about that newly acquired treasure?
IF, there is something, that drives an Accolyte GOD crazy, it is having such as that, stolen from them? The arrival, of the Clericas Scout was met with little repression.
Surprised to see, Loj sit and talk, without, asking for some ‘privacy’ AND, in doing so, Lysa, was able to hear, all of the latest news, PLUS updates AND, how the Zealot Clericus, had dispatched, whoever Lips was, to final destination.
THEY had to leave. Using the craft to exit the planet rather than the Portai Semperu. It pleased Loj that she had transport befitting her status. They left vanishing into the atmosphere. Unaware that Lysa was aboard their craft. Unseen, invisible. 
There are, within the Qiverse, some of the strangest beings existing within its vastness. None moreso than the Njui. Jin yes, JIN no. They are you could say, the GOOD Jin. Truthful, honest and protectors rather than destroyers, slavers; killers.
The butchery, of thousands, by Nom nom and, her entourage, had been savage, brutal. All it seemed with little or no fear on their part as to possible punishment?
The moment Nom nom, had drank the blood of the innocents, the baby Kevletlings. Blessed by a Njui and now murdered? Its fury was that of an enraged GOD of creation. IT arrived shortly after, the craft with Loj, the Zealot AND of course, Lysa on board; docked.
Seeing Lysa it smiled. An Aphrodite, one who would soon know of ITs presence. Somehow the way Lysa was hiding within a time shift meant she was not wanting to be discovered.
As to what, Lysa might be up to? The Njui followed observing from a distance. Amused, by how resourceful this Aphrodite was, in traversing corridors and arriving at? The treasure laid out in a chamber for all to see?
In her greed, her desire to relive the counting of such again, no attempt had been made to secure it. NOW the only question was HOW was Lysa going to get that treasure and eject it into space?
Of course, removing some of it, to place it in the domiciles, of both Loj AND that Zealot, was easy enough. Such items, NOT spotted or observed floating mid air, to be placed hidden within the chambers,
So that was the plan. Dispose of the rest of it, then make it clear to the Accolyte Nom nom, that THEY, had stolen the treasure? A clear cut case of theft?
Deceptive, cunning and guaranteed, to have the psychotic ‘Accolyte’, raging into death and destruction, which, included butchering, slaughtering some of those, who had been part, of the carnage earlier?
Lysa was still wondering, how to dump the treasure into space? “Come on Aphrodite! THINK! YOU have the power to ?... She raised her arms her hands raised as Lysa now muttered an incantation? Before her a Spacial rift was forming.
NOT easy, something on that level, required a lot of power. It was closing! She, did NOT, have that much, to go through the bulk head of a space craft like this. Then she saw IT.
The Njui in all its glory. Taking her hands and with their hands locked the spacial rift opened wide. The Njui appeared to shake its head at the delay on Lysa’s part to ? Use telekinesis! to move the treasure through the temporal rift!
After the treasure was GONE, the rift closed. They stood looking at each other. Lysa, was trying with her ‘minds eye’, to search the archives, of knowledge, for who or what this was.
“How, are you, going to convince, the Accolyte, this was the work, of those two? “ NOT, that Lysa was stupid, but it did have her asking the same question.
“What is unique to both of them!” More deep thinking, thinking, thinking. “Then Lysa remembered. The WHIP, that had been given to Loj by that Zealot. With the blood of Lips the Accolytes favourite on it.
In their possession, they left it, in the midst of the chamber. “NOW, you Aphrodite, must return to the planet, I, WILL send you, through the Portai Semperu. YOU must NOT remain HERE.”
Almost instantly those in front of the Portai saw it come to life, thrown open and within the light; Lysa. “I will not disappoint you, in seeing what is going to transpire, where I am.”
NO one around her, could see what Lysa, was now looking at. Nom nom had decided, to reward Loj and that Zealot. A small piece, of the Drax to each of them. On arriving with them, to her treasure trove to find it GONE?
The whip, in the middle of the chamber, instantly recognised by Loj, who gasped. Noted by Nom nom. She picked it up, sniffed it, instantly realizing it was the blood of Lips on it?
Quick, to put the blame, on that Zealot, who had whipped her favourite Lips to death and, then thrown his body into space? The sensation, of feeling the rage, from the Accolyte was his clothing torn off, his bare skin peeling from his bones.
“Where is my treasure! “ It screeched at him, at HER. Loj now felt the same sensation, of being stripped naked. The fear flushing her senses, of knowing, what had happened to the Zealot, could also be her fate?
She was butchered, her bones smashed, her skin torn from them, for them, to be thrown, next to the other pile of bones. Those around the Accolyte fled.
In the stampede, bodies crushed, bones smashed AND in the main control area? The sight of the Njui had them scattering. Four remained. The shields were dropped. Defenceless as a Kalheiron Craft appeared to their side.
The ‘Kalheiron’ have a trading agreement with the Matsupa. However realizing the craft was a ‘sitting duck’? Boarding it would put them at the mercy of those Accolyte ‘Gods’ powerful beings, worse still. if, it was an ‘Ancient, a pure blood?”
They blasted it to pieces. Wreckage everywhere. Nom nom had realized too late the vulnerability . Entering one of the life pods to escape? Hit by wreckage it was thrown into the darkness. 
The destruction was complete. Lysa had seen it unfold to its conclusion. The escape pod? Had the Accolyte fled in its OR the Njui? ITs power was impressive. Tolgani had recorded his encounter with one, that she knew from his personal journals BUT this was the first time she had actually met one.
The arrival of a craft, from above had them worried until it was realized it was a Human(a) troop carrier. Commanded by nNI a battle hardened veteran. 2000 elite troops at her command.
THEY had NOT gone unnoticed by; the Cflen. Behind them another craft landing. A Cflen Pure bloods Se Phri battle cruiser.
THEY had encountered the Kalheiron, who had attacked them. A lot of strength and very powerful but the Cflen had new tactical weapons.
A dark matter device, that they sent towards it. As it, exploded around them, their vessel’s shields disintegrated.
The Cflen will NOT, attack any other races vessels, that are NOT Human(a) BUT when fired on, that is accepted as an attack upon the Cflen race.
A threat to them, a kill or be killed scenario, the Cflen will NOT accept, from any race. They destroyed the vessel.
In deep space the Matsupa Jin had witnessed the destruction of the Matsupa vessel by that accursed race the Kalheiron.
Before, it, could decide, to take revenge, the other vessel had appeared and destroyed them. The other vessel? WHO were they? They had never encountered the Cflen.
Ask we know not strictly true. BUT that history was unknown until they checked the history from their archives. WERE they the ones responsible for the destruction of thousands of the Zealots on that accursed planet?
Not only the planets native population, but the list, was growing, for the Matsupa Xiloc. A mass slaughter on a scale IT had not enjoyed for centuries was about to take place.