Jess Corbin The Cflen The Kiss of the Gods.  

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen

Jess Corbin Sci Fi The Cflen









NO races where they were concerned, survived their eating habits, as flesh eaters. UNLESS. you were a CLONE, a SENTIENT being within a shell.

Those they took great pleasure, in smashing up, putting through a crusher or simply using one of their Mobots to walk over them flattening them.  Flesh forms, good, bad or indifferent, beautiful or the ugliest things going made no difference to their eating them.

Raw or cooked, barbecued, flash cooked with a laser powered gun targeting the flesh to scorch the flesh.
Their arrival on a planet or off world colony would see them appearing to be there for trading or acquiring necessary items for repairs, clothing, food and drinks etc. ]

Many, would appear, as though they were friendly, ameniable luring their would be victims into a sense of security. NO actual violence or signs of them being aggressive. Whore houses, other special services
including Bynards or love Gools. strictly controlled by the SuRan corporation.

Zealots never touched them. The SuRan, had their enforcers and they were NOT to be
offended. Their Matsupa Accolytes had no interest either in sentient based lifeforms

Why would they need them, with thousands if not
MILLIONS, of  flesh around them for the hunting, the killing,
the taking by them knowin NONE could refuse them.

DEATH to those who did, eating them ALIVE.
Smashing their bones in so called sacrificial ceremonies
where  the local ‘primitives’; were forced to watch.

The older ones left alone. It served them no
purpose to kill them. Stinking diseased, ridden corpses?
No thank you. 

THEY, were used for menial tasks as their slaves. Shite shovellers and similar
tasks. NOT that they did not on occasion get beaten. Limbs torn off.
Blinded or tongues cut out OR ripped out.

FEAR of the invaders. Huge savage brutes, who took what they wanted, killed the males or others around the females OR flesh they desired.  Some were carnivores. Feeding and needing to feed on fresh flesh.
NO mercy  THEY were NOT going to starve.

When the realization hit home, the local primitives knew all too well. Rounded up, abused and satisfying their hunger for EATING flesh was not the ony pleasures they indulged in. Tearing into their victims with no mercy, brutal savage and if their victims died; NEXT!

For some who understood the Alien threat, the FEAR was still there BUT not as terrifying as it was for those ‘PRMITIVE’ races who had never encountered aliens before?  That spelled death, abuse, mutilation or sent to work int he mines.

SLAVERY and the trading, selling of slaves, was nothing new. Many worlds, had slaves and slavery, in one form or another. Some races, the FEMALE ruled above the MALES, who had NO desire to RULE or were in chains.

The reverse of course for others, was also true. TO the Zealot invaders ALL primitives were just that, regardless of some of the more advanced races being quite intelligent.

Intelligence to the Zealots was a threat. They wanted a compliant, obedient, GOD fearing bunch of primitives WHO FEARED them. Ones they could terrorise, Indoctrinate into their Zealot hordes OR ?!
There was no such thing as FREE WILL, FREEDOM.

Well dressed and, clothed beings were forced to strip, stay naked around them. Whipped, chained, beaten regularly. Reminded who their masters were, who their GODs were.

Their own, were eaten alive, or sacrificed in front of them NOT to the Zealots GODs. TO THEIR GODs. It, was a privilege, to offer their youngest, most juicy and tasty, to be sacrificed, feasted upon or bones smashed, hearts ripped out.

Cross breeding, was also something some Zealots indulged in. Experimented on and producing some of the most horrific of their forms.

We have to remember, that a lot of Zealots were almost the same re reproduction, NOT from or via PROGENESIS. Sexual organs similar to Human(a) or other races organs etc.

Too big, too small. Dysfunctional and that could relate NOT just to the PHYSICAL attributes but the MENTAL, psychotic nature of some.

Fighting amongst themselves was rare. Too much food and, an abundance of  fresh flesh victims, for them, to be wasting their time on that. BUT, we need to remember that the sexual urges, the need to reproduce for some being part of their biological makeup?

Let us not forget that the bigger more muscular of them were not afraid to bully the weaker ones. TAKE from them even if it meant injuring them or killing them, to do so.

THEY ate first, they mated first. The weaker ones, knew their place and, survived ONLY, at their choosing. The Matsupa, considered those, tho were killed, to be lesser beings.

The commanders of the Zealot ‘legions’ ALWAYS were to be obeyed without question. They could take as they pleased even from the more stronger of them. 

For the newly invaded worlds, races. IF they were almost the same as them? If they the commanders were CARNIVORES and MONSTERS, lets not mince words here. DEATH looked increasingly a good way out.

IF word got out, and the truth,
became  known, those
who escaped could at least
 work towards hiding
OR becoming rebels.

made up from
a select few
professionl killers.









Slavers who
rescued from the local populatio. only to enslave them.  Many accepted their fate.  Better that then the fate, they were about to endure?

Others were true defenders of their race. Sometimes they had outside help. NO mercy to the slavers and DEATH to the invaders. THEY were known as Klarsfog.









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Jess Corbin Sci Fi

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