Xiloc the destroyer? Aboard a Zealot ‘Tectuan’ star cruiser. Changing course to raid a nearby settlement. A lot of Drax had been relayed to IT by the spy.
Tiii was on that planet. In one of the caverns. A ‘Gildateer’ of some reputation. Trashing, one of the former Matsupa sites, was on her part, a real pleasure.
She was, one of the most beautiful, of her kind. Her original race was from Sabu, known on Solus 3 (Earth) as Sheba. Her ‘Mata’ was the former Queen of Sabu. The one, King Solomon had fallen in love with.
On the front of her head, adorning her crown, was the symbol of all that was power. The horn of life. The gift of immortality, of an Omini Impericus.
Protected by, the Gods of creation. She wielded great power but ONLY if provoked.