You don’t need to be a mind reader to know what has been happening re the ongoing debacle over Dr Who.

I am not, going to go into detail MY FANS know its as so many have been saying, “unrecoverable”, “can’t be saved’
“gone past the point of no return”.

You all know how I feel reflected in the ads.
Who needs a Doctor when you have Jess Corbin Sci Fi?

I’m no fan of the woke garbage BUT i genuinely feel sorry for those who are watching it burn whilst those who have created this inferno don’t or won’t take responsibility.

Am I talking about Sony? ‘Badwolf’ or
Others in the mix Amazon Prime or of course Disney Plus !

The recent events in closing down the studios in Wales (UK) illustrated how incapable they are after spending, no wasting money on that woke trash.. manning up and resolving the situation?

What is their answers? An echo of course re the fans.. ?

Can’t be done / Can’t be saved / Too far gone / Too many bridges burned,..
now that sure is about right.. BUT my fans KNOW

I ain’t no ordinary writer. Nor a defeatist.. some of you KNOW that, to be more than a truth..

I did not originally want to be bothered with it.. BUT it was driving my sanity to the brink of craziness.. I started hearing the voices of the fans.. the ones who loved the original series, the original family concept ... the desire to have someone who could give them the means to wipe the slate clean?

I ain’t no ordinary writer. Nor a defeatist.. some of you KNOW that to be more than a truth..

Can’t be done / Can’t be saved / Too far gone / Too many bridges burned,..

Well I owe it to my fans.. to prove once again what you say is soooo true..

NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin an that’s a FACT.

So here it is.. I’m giving them a way out of the shite they are in... BUT I am listening to the fans.. there are conditions attached which I will not go into here..
BUT I need my fans to make it clear to THEM

THERE is a solution, a credible answer and if they are genuinely interested in listening to the FANS, no woke bull crap nonsense.. decent WOKE free writers, who can WRITE and have IMAGINATION,  CREATIVITY to deliver re the NEW QIVERSE Dr Who??

Anyways.. here it is.. ENJOY !

It was aboard, the Omeji 4, that Tempi was scowling. Warning sirens, as we would know them, going off in all directions. An intrusion on level 5?

The private area, reserved for her Princess Iphi who was on the planet below? IF an intruder had managed to get in, an impossible..

IMPOSSIBLE not even remotely and REMOTE being the operative word here; chance of that happening.

That area, was protected, by forces, that only an Omini, or one of the Gods of creation could breach.

NO, it could not be. An Omini? Gods of creation in retrospect would not be seen here. The Princess was an Haph Omini immortai.

Blessed by the Gods of Creation. Could not be killed by any other than a
God of creation. Lineage going back centuries.

Tempi had met her at the Kets Akademy.
They had trained together and nothing pompous about her Princess was something to be much admired.

A mutual liking of Tempi ensured they would remain with each other.
They had male companions who were military and currently elsewhere with forces deployed in a war zone restoring peace.

The ‘Qiverse’, was constantly in a flux of good bad and indifference, re the races, that were to be found there.

Here aboard the Omeji 4, was a varied mix of some Sentient lifeforms, occupying ‘carcases’ according to their race OR desires. 

Clones NEVER Clonectics, the beings created by the Vendaren, who took prisoners and converted them using what was known as Clossistrial fluid..

They, gave a whole new meaning, to the old term DEI, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. NO ‘Clonectic, was anything less than Diverse, a true mixture from various races. All were EQUAL to each other.

Inclusion?.. oh yes they were not only EXCLUSIVE to the Vendarens they were totally INCLUSIVE as their militia.

Commanders could be male or female and always, the Pure Vendaren Elite. Her and her Princess, had met some of them at the Akademy and hence were no strangers to some of their peculiarities.

Vendarens would NEVER dare attack, an Omini or its entourage.
That meant the Omeji 4, would not see such an attack from them, one race at least NOT to be worried about as being hostile to them.

Kalheiron, Zinooks and a few others remained too stupid or indoctrinated into a swarry with the end result always being the same.

Slaughter as they were wiped out Sometimes the craft, would be invaded, the occupants marooned on a planet NOT of their choosing.

The craft, being stripped, of any relevant technologies and ?! then, sold for scrap. Many Kalheiron and those like them, had wised up. Realisation, that the odds were never in their favour.

The ‘Zinnouks’ she suspected, had little in the way of intelligence in the first place, to warrant them, even giving ‘thought’ to their attacking.

NOT that they, were to be dimissed lightly. Mob attacks could be draining on resources, on time and energies more productive elsewhere.

Jogarth, ah the SLAVERS. Their use of bands they fastened on their victims took away all free will.
We won’t go too much into detail re some of the worse of the worst.

Their M class and A class Mobellium battle cruisers were fast. If they ‘saw you coming’ they would vanish and I mean VANISH. The trick was to catch them LOADING slaves or UNLOADING.

They, had to lower their defence shields, to do that. Which of course left them vulnerable. NO one, attacked the ‘loaders’ with the ‘innocents’ in them. Primary propulsion AND weapons were neutralized.

The Vendarens and the Jogarth, had a pact. Never, to attack one another and NEVER, to take their prisoners.  On a large world with BILLIONS etc; a Jogarth AND a Vendaren seizing of such could take place BUT they would NEVER actually meet up on the ground.

The Matsupa. An accursed race of beings. Religious fanatics to the extremes of anything you could imagine as being toxic and then multiply ALL of that exponentially.

HER Omini like ALL Omini will terminate the existence of a Matsupa. NO mercy is EVER shown.
The reason being, that the ‘Gods of creation’, were outraged by their claims to be the only true GODs in the Qiverse. More on that later..

BUT back to the here and now.

“Where are you and what is taking you so long?” Z370 and Rjay were looking at each other as Z370’s ‘eyes’ lit up, flashed. “Like YOU could make it in time past 3 levels.” Rjay grinned.

Usual responses from Tempi. Z370 had no opinion on anything other than AI related. IT had simply relayed from Rjay the message she had just received.

“Z3 you can tell him, I’ll stop him from going down to 6er5 if he keeps annoying me! “
“Just like you Tinket! “(Not a pleasant term, somewhat abusive’.The grin vanished off Rjays face. Z3’s light flashed again. “Z3 ! You don’t have to tell her! “

Tempi turned the corner into the restricted area to see them in heated conversation albeit one sided on Rjays part. She grinned. “I heard everything! Thankyou Z3. Always reliable and as for going down to .. “

Her voice taliled off.. What the ! might spring to mind as she stared past them. A blue, whatever the hell it was. behind them.  The figure of a being stood in front of it, muttering away.. almost incoherent babble which Z3 was translating.

“Well I must say this is a pleasure. I don’t think I have had the pleasure, well not to remember exactly, if I have or, when but I am sure ...” The babble contnued, as it stumbled forwards towards them.
Feet sliding on the surface, to shove it forwards at some speed, straight into Tempi’s outstretched arms.

You can’t do that Tempi!” True, outstretched arms and hands? A greeting reserved for loved ones, CoJoined, intimate and ? She realized to her horror, what she had just done and threw IT down as it crashed at their feet.

“Tempi! “ The figure beneath them growled, howled and then sat up rubbing the back of its head.

“You know, it looks an aweful lot like YOU”. Z3’s light was flashing again. “It has two hearts, just like you.
 Is it one of YOUR race?”

Tempi looked at Rjay. He stared at her, nay, glared at her and then back at the strange figure.

“Looks just like me?! Look at that hair style and the way it is dressed. I would not be seen ‘DU’ (dead under any circumstances) in that ! “There was a noise a rumble from Z3,.

The yellow goo, oozing from it, Does YOUR race, not ooze the same when regenesis occurs?

Rjay moved in closer to sniff, Yes SNIFF.
The smell, was disturbingly familiar.

“It looks to me, like one of your race has
returned home. That..” Z3 pointed at the open hatch.

         “Is a Portei Semperu.
           Stolen technology.

           A ‘time capsule’.


Jess Corbin The Cflen The Kiss of the Gods.  






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