Loj was stepping out, into the cave area moving ahead of the two others, male, female though not strictly true. NOT as Human(a) might know them. They had both been castrated. 
Nothing unusual there, a lot of the Matsupa Accolytes, had all those, who served aboard their battle cruisers, castrated. It avoided unnecessary tensions, with hormones running amok.
Loj was not castrated. She was, in every sense, to a Human(a) male; female. ALL of her hormones intact her red days and more free flowing in time with well; time.
The two guards, she had noticed, were armed. Larger than her escorts which, was a surprise to her. As for one, who now appeared and who’s eyes were now on her?
Bloody hell, might spring to mind, she was feeling wet just looking at him. The slave rings would not fit this whatever the hell it was. She doubted even there, if he was as big, that they would fit!
He smiled at her. Then, she saw the female, well certainly as close to her, as it could get. Lys moved towards her dismissing the guards.
“Oh good, you’ve arrived. I am glad, our message got through. The two with her, lowered their weapons.
There was a noise as the Portal Semperu rolled shut. Some dust hanging in the air. Lysa smiled. “I can, never get over, how noisy those things can be?” Loj smiled back.
“Come on and join us, we, are serving up, some hot food and, no doubt some ale. If you can digest food of course. Some can’t because they don’t have a digestive system?
“I have a full, two stomach system. One, that takes food in and breaks it down, removing the nutrients, whilst the other, takes the waste and breaks it down further.”
A lot, of them there, only had one stomach. Most had two lungs though Loj only had one. Her breathing was of no concern, true the dust was clearly something she was not used to but otherwise no noticeable issues.
‘Holstering’ her weapon, Loj moved with Lysa to a seating area. A few more of these ‘whoever they were’ AND, welcoming them, beckoning them to sit.
The food, was unlike anything, she had eaten. It was hot, a peculiar but pleasing taste to it. The two escorts were not sitting with her, they were sat eating and drinking with some other males AND females.
They, would never, have dared sit with her. Their language was almost the same as their hosts. A few slight differences but nominal AND dialect was certainly to the fore as being prominent.
You worship a God? Lysa nodded. “Of course, don’t we all? IF we are blessed that is..” That seemed to ease Loj a lot more. She had been wondering how none of the males OR females were showing the usual markings however primitive and oft times distasteful to her.
“So have you sliced and dice recently?” Lysa shook her head, a little too vulgar for her guest. Loj was not amused by her vulgarity?
“You mean, carried out a Sacrifice, to my Goddess, of course, only last week, two Kevletlings, were given to our Holy one, as a gift, from those on the outpost we raided.
Unfortunately the Zealots, could only convert a small number, before we cleansed it with Holy fire.
I was so excited, when my God, told me I, could smash their bones, after she cut their hearts out sucked their blood.. to place, her blood soaked lips, next to mine, so I could have a taste.
I am so special, to have a God who truly loves me AND, I am whole, not castrated like the others. Are YOU?” She shifted, to look at Lysa more closely, Lysa sensed, she was wanting, to see her reaction?
“Oh no. All my bits are there, in the right places you might find the only real difference especially as you have two stomachs, I only have one BUT, I do have two lungs.
In fact that was a lie. Lysa was a sentient being, Housed within the body that could be seen, felt, touched and more BUT NO, reliance on the actual body parts was not necessary.
Everything functioned, as it should, according, to the laws of the Gods, well in her case, the ones of creation.
Raffety had moved to leave them. He bowed and said his apologies as he went to turn. Loj looked at him then at Lysa, “He is one of the primitives?” Lysa grinned. “May I?” Not sure what she meant but ? “Yes of course.”
“YOU, get over here NOW!.” Raffety looked at Lysa, who he guessed, wanted him to play along, well continuing that. He moved close to Loj.
She, stood up in front of him, dwarfed by his height, his build was seriously making her wet.
She shoved her hands down, across his bulge, to squeeze murmuring. “I am soo pleased, to see that you, have not been castrated, to do so would have committed heresy. My God would see YOU want for nothing. .
Before I leave here, I, am going, to venture a challenge, as is my right, to whoever owns you, to sell you to me OR, combat to the death.
She stood back. “YOU may leave. What do you say in thanks?” “Praise be to the holiest of holies. I thank you, no I thank THEM, for their blessings.” “Good, now go, before I, demand you, are stripped for my pleasures.”
Raffety, was now, a short distance, from the caves. Three of them who had sneaked out and were now alongside him, were finding it difficult to stand upright.
One of them was doing good vocal rendition of her.. “I am soo pleased, to see that you, have not been castrated.” More laughter, with the quips coming thick and fast. “I bet the missus is probably thinking the same eh Raff?”
“OOh think what she would do, let alone any of her sisters, if they had seen her squeezing them like that.” “I think Thimbles would have been looking for her knives.” 
“NO ONE, is to say anything! Lysa, needs us, to play along. We need, to know everything we can, Where, the Matsupa craft is, who the Matsupa in charge is, Acco whatever or a blood..”
“Pure blood whatever that is. Don’t the Cflen have them? I think I heard them talking about them AND that we should see them arriving soon. A lot of them.”
“The sooner we have them, the better. We are going to be losing a lot, a helluva lot soon. I hope you lot have told family and others.
There is NO discussion over that decision.”
Tiredness, was, affecting Loj as she yawned. “Come on, I will show you to my quarters. This primitive planet, has little to offer, in the way of comforts but, it will not disappoint you as befits our status.
It was, indeed palacial. Moreso than the domicile Loj was used to. Two stunning FemGOKS attended to her every need.
“I will NOT have any primitives looking after my honoured guest. Yes these FemGOKS are the very best BUT.” She leaned into giggle,
“I paid a Zealot Provost commander, for them, with two of the finest whores, I, had the good fortune to seize.” “Oh I never allow them to dictate terms to me. I want it, I take it.
YOU Lysa, have to remember, we are the holiest of holies, NONE but our GODS, can dictate to us, force us, to do anything, we don’t want to do I regularly take Zealot elites, use them abuse them for my pleasures and then take a whip to them or castrate them. “
She moved to rest on the recline. Semi naked and Lysa could see she was certainly a beauty. Hot, bothered by something? “Look I am making no promises.” She smiled.
“Good to see, we are not, that diferent, when it comes to our desires. That primitive, how come you have not made him YOURS? “Only a God can have a male like that!” Loj stopped caught her breath.
“OH NO! Of course, YOUR GOD has it in her harem. I hope I have not given offence re the challenge?” “You are OK, MY GOD is away at the moment and left me in charge. Even I do not dare to disobey or offend her, hence why it was OK for you to squeeze.”
Lysa fell about laughing. The thought of his CoJoined knowing what had taken place would be some feline with the urge to do some gutting.. On reflection.. that would definitely NOT be a good idea.. as for the other sisters getting involved.. Uhh NOOOO. “
The male entered her domicile, bowed and dropped to his knees. “If it pleases you I am here to service your every whim, your every need my Goddess.” She stared at the figure in front of her. Raffety? In all his glory.. now naked and before he could even reach the recline she was on her knees.. unable to speak.