Enid, was from, the forest clan, known as the Hzur.
Quite a large clan  numbering over 20,000. !5,000 of them
had been evacuated. The remaining 5,000 had decided NOT to go.

Some of them too old, too set in their ways and so on.
1,000 of them were hardened ‘foresters’.
Like Swirlu (Squirrels) they, could ciimb a tree, to the top
‘canopy’ with NO fear.

Removing, the tops off, the tallest trees, was regular work for them. It, let light to continue flooding the areas below. 

Some of the females, as we would know them, were as tough and hardly as the males BUT, they were respected for who they were gender wise.

THEY chose the MALE for marriage, through a tournament of strength UNLESS, the two were so close the thought of then parting, was NEVER a consideration.

Inseparable AND working together, benefits them, but also their CLAN. A COMMUNITY,, social bond, that looked after their elders, their weak; infirm.

With Jasz her ‘bonded’ one; Enid, had been in on the trees cutting back the top branches, when they saw a craft shake the top canopy. Dropping out of the skies, to land some distance away.

Jasz had looked over to Enid pointing in the directon of Mt Sibachi. She turned to look. There on a flat area was this huge monster.



Lysa had gifted the Sin Family females, their closest friend, extra ‘armor’ protection. A defence shield AND the ability  to communicate without, the need, for communicators.

NOW they too, were aware, of that monstrosity. A mechanical droid threat, that they had been warned about. Lysa had encountered something similar before, with her regular cohort, Tolgani.

They were not, to concern themselves, with the arrival of those, seeking to wage war. THEY ALL, would pay a heavy price for wrecking the lives of so many innocents.

The two, main mountain strongholds, had been reinforced. Lysa, had taken time, to review their strategic weapons systems. Attack and defence including training for all those manning the systems AI units.

Drone, clones and artificial intelligence bolstered by the availability of essential high quailty core materials. ‘Rare earths’. 

Crystalline mining, was proving to be producing some of the highest, finest crystals. Use in ‘ oscillation / oscilators.

Multi timbral vibration units. Stabilisers, advanced gyro systems. All being built, developed for the coming war.

WAR, they KNEW it, they SENSED it and from the ‘river folk; to the foresters..New traps, new trickery to confuse, delay,maim and kill.
Relying on hunting skills they had perfected for centuries.

An enemy you cannot see until is was too late?

The remaning locals in the Vae had new weapons BUT also some advanced techonogies, to give them, almost flawless snooping on their enemies.

Recent strange events where many of their would be aggressors were killed by unknown forces gave them rise to believe that they were as Lysa had told them; NOT alone.

Kethek and Osmi, had received extensive training Level one Assassins. Covert, destruction of essential services.

Conduits, tunnels, caves and other structures affording the enemy hideouts, strongholds and quicker access to them; now became their hunting zones.

Thanks to, the previous mapping, of large cave areas they had the means to disappear from their enemy, to bait and set traps which would entice, dice and slice.

Razor sharp flint had been adapted for some of those traps. Could slice the limbs OFF their victims like as we would know it, cutting through butter.

As for heads? Wire that was strong, durable and deadly.
Heads as Lysa had said, would roll. Darkness, stumbling around and now feeling a slight brush against your neck?

Hanging, energy (electrocution) which would mean in the future they had no need to pay for elocution lessons.   War was coming..