When I originally wrote up the draft for Kets Akademy Vol 2 I already had ideas panned out on what I wanted to take it to the next level.
It had to be extraordinary, every bit as SENSATIONAL as I said I wanted Kets Akademy to be.
With all that I had going on NOT easy. Work wise? As regular fans know, an astonishing amount of hours spent in bringing together the titles published, in draft and more over the last 12 months.
BUT I digress. Fans know that I won’t deny HER credit, for inspiring me to write some of my best work ever. Moments when I’ve felt overpowered by it all yet as we rage within our ‘Storm’ she drives me to the point of insanity as she does to me I do to HER to simply prove each other wrong or that we both CAN step beyond the dream. Oh yes, we know how to press each others buttons BUT achieving? Phenomenal.
Cos, when love is this potent, the energy that flows IS BREATHTAKING !
None moreso than Kets Aka Vol 2 Encounters.
Ah yes and where, let alone HOW do the Kets end up with the showcase evening and in the middle of it their star guests
Little Mix?