It drove me to the point of distraction. I tried to avoid getting sucked into this BUT, the SPACE between my ears AND housing the peanut rattling around within... almost demanded I showed some, that what they say is the truth.
NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin, when it comes to Sci FI an that’s a FACT.
More to prove that the writing of that Sci Fi was NOTHING in comparison to mine and in retrospect for some
Lazy, sloppy, uninspiring twaddle and believe me that word says it all.
twaddle /ˈtwɒdl/ informal noun trivial or foolish speech or writing; nonsense. "he dismissed the novel as self-indulgent ‘twaddle’
What was worse, was how much money they took, for that TWADDLE.
Gave a whole new meaning, to the word ‘MUGGED’. I felt sorry for Disney. Don’t get me wrong, they were NOT innocent re all of this.
Failure to have oversight - INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT ? Wages, kick backs, using DEI as an excuse for some of their more than questionable practices? HIRINGS?
To produce good work and then, secure funds, based upon the GOOD work previously carried out creating the belief that they would be rewarded with the same or better work?
is that not a CON. No oversight, editorial and other supervisions in place? Is that really true?
Friends, family given preferential treatment? Its called NEPOTISM.
Favoring relatives or close friends for jobs, promotions, or other professional opportunities, often regardless of their qualifications, due to their personal connection to someone in a position of power.
Controlled by proper OVERSIGHT. NO one has the ultimate control when it comes to how the finances and other benefits are USED or clearly by some are ABUSED?.
Actors who think, they are above the PRODUCTION teams, script writers, who work hard in the background, whilst they the actors, take the foreground to treat in some instances, those lower beings, as just that AND, knowing how little they are paid against their incomes?
As for benefits, from the sale of mechandise, autographs to to ... No one coming into my Qiverse is going to end up being able to do that and keep the monies, gratuities.
It all goes into a pot, to be divided equally, amongst everyone, at the end of the completion of the contract / season etc.
Media, publicity, events and management outside of the series et is managed by an independent MANAGEMENT. NO longer individuals, doing their own thing.
IF an actor etc has their own employment / management agency et they will NOT be favored over those, who chose to offer their services as FREELANCERS who are prepared to work for equal OR lower wages / benefits, PROVIDING their work is as good as, if not BETTER than, the agency ones?
The ability, to do the work required, supply and maintain the CONTRACTUAL agreement, punctual, reliable - takes priority, over laziness, drinking, drug habits and bullying woke extremism let alone; NEPOTISM.
WHY I have made it clear - I will NOT work with current and some past writers re Dr Who.
Qiverse Dr Who, will NOT be the lazy half assed OOh I should not talk about Donkey (ass) here where some are concerned to who like theirs given attention and that included being kissed,,,.
Regular meetings including trips, to enjoy, relax and COMMUNICATE with each other, IDEAS, suggestions, opportunities, to get to know each other better. That WILL help in production on and off the ‘set’ etc.
At least 3 in any 12 months AND compulsory (paid) attendance, required for those, brain storming sessions. Prizes for the best ideas, suggestions etc
An HR team, responsible, for being available, covering all aspects of the employee’s health and wellbeing, Contractual obligations be they EMPLOYED or FREELANCERS.
A Media controls team who are the only ones allowed /permitted to post ANYTHING relevant to the show, production in progress etc INDIVIDUALS are NOT whilst in contract PERMITTED, to use, disclose good bad or indifferent opinions, views and more about the production about their part in it or themselves IF it damages or causes problems re the show, production etc. for which the person or persons causing such to occur are legally liable for any damages etc
Appointed OVERSIGHT, has the right to dismiss or refuse employment to, any deemed NOT to be working indirectly or directly in the interests of the production and or similar.
I have NO desire, to work with those self opinionated, narcissists who are so far up their own there is no room fors some of those who worked on the previous episodes / series of Dr Who.
I am listening to the fans. to the true Dr Who fans.. not the miscreants who trashed it to line their own pockets, their own egos AND inability to WRITE let alone PRODUCE
Dr Who as it should have been.
To achieve that, it means clearing out the cess pit THEY and THEY know WHO they are. - created.
BUT I will NOT stand by and agree, to anything, that future wise, involves me re Dr WHO - IF they have not cleared that CESS PIT.
NO former writers, producers - actors, re the original series in the Qiverse Dr Who.
Do you think Bad Wolf and Disney are going to stand with me re that or?
Miss out on and THEY will!
All that my Qiverse has to offer? The Cflen, Cistera, Tolgani, Kets Akademy?
IF they are going to be BRITISH and stick to that cess pit..
Then the USA will do fine for ALL production work.