Jess Corbin Qiverse Dr Who

Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who
Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who






“My Princesss! “Tempi! “ I hear you have had a visitor?”
 “Transported straight into your sacred area.”

Moiu, stepped into the chamber, where the ‘visitor’ was being examined.
A polariser was optimising its neural pathways.

Corruption and, some widespread damage was being detected. Memories, being recorded and streamed before them?

The Ketlevling, that had gone missing? Through the time gate, into another
‘Universe’ beyond; normally not, unless you were an Omini or a God of creation, able for any being to do that.

What they, were now witness to, enraged Moiu but not alone, re that. Rjay, was getting more and more agitated at knowing one of his kind, had been subjected to this horror?

Those things called ‘Daleks’? or the Cyber MEN? Cloned beings and stolen technology, had been used to create them. They  had encountered similar in the Qiverse.
The Mechanoids who had taken Dalek form, well similar.

The Mechanoids were far more advanced and far more dangerous.
Their logic if you could call it logic had been corrupted. There were BEINGS inside of them. Neutron based lifeforms.

As for the Cyber whatever they were beings? What were MEN? Surely IF they took MALE and FEMALE as their hosts? A little primitive, in contrast to the and reminiscent, of the hated Vendaren Clonectics.

Cyber created military forces. Brutal, savage and indifferent.  Carrying that weapon of choice; the Cabilista. A ‘staff weapon’ with a host implanted into it, that took over the weapon and controlled the Clonectic using it.

THAT ‘Universe’ was a parallel ’verse’ to this one. Seems the Gods of creation, had taken hold of the vessel, that blue thing which contained a Portei Semperu;.

STOLEN technology and thrust it back, into its correct ‘verse’.

Such did happen, when those, from the Qiverse, wandered into or were transported into parallel ‘verses’ that did exist. outside of this one. Experimenting with time and space, had proven to be problematic.

Quantum theory, was encouraged, re making new discoveries, new technologies and, the use of, new ‘materials’, chemicals, periodic table as we would know it; far more advanced than ours.

As for all, of the messed up crazy scenarios, played out; the rage was growing. Moiu was talking to others of her kind.
Other powerful Omini who she was seeking advice from.

Ones who, were used to that ‘verse’. Who could deliver some
much needed punishment? Rewrite time? ALL Omini Impericus Immortai, could do that.

The one, who had stolen, the Ketlevling’? Who dared to do what had been regensis of it, time after time?
Omini are not emotional, YET this was now relayed to the others watching and listening.

That ‘verse’ is a temporary anomaly. It is a shadow of what should NOT have existed in the first place.
Created within dark matter expelled from ours. We spat it out and it grew into that ‘verse’.

“You know what you have to do.. Wipe if from the cosmos. Refresh the genesis of the one, they stole with new vital and corrected neural pathways. According to the data, we are now aware, the progensis on this one will remain unstable, which means regenesis will and can occur outside of our control.

Certain parameters, that trigger it will not necessarily be detected. We need to tag it so we can ensure when regensis occurs it has a companion with it to protect it. Make sure it recovers safely. We also need to redo the interior of the time machine.

IT will only operate within the Qiverse. Cubit techonology will be incorporated into the machine.
A paradyne shift, to allow the traveller to do what it desires to do freely.

YET we will know where it is at all times. We, will assign a new partner for the first ‘period’ of ‘time’ it spends within the Qiverse, a hybrid clone from its,...former homeworld.”

On Gallifrey? In that ‘verse’! The appearance of a being of great power  interrupted the one called Tectuan!
Who had now managed to break the means to become a ‘Time lord’? About to inject herself?

A wave of energy across her. Crippled by the pain now rippling through her.

“YOU dare, to offend, the Gods of creation; with what you have done ?

How does it feel, to suffer death, without ever being able to be reborn, an afterlife as you would call it?
You MURDER, is that not what you call it in this ‘verse’! MURDERED

One of OURS, time after time?

Time ah there is something eh? On your lips, on your ‘mind’ to live to become an Immortai? 
Yes that is what they are called the ones who posses the powers to regenesis.

Tecuan felt the needle, push into her, injecting the substance.. to kill herself. To regenesis?
Waking up within a ball of energy. Dark matter that had NOTHING within it other than a time loop.. Imprisoned within it.

As for that ‘verse’? It was wiped, from existence, as we would know it. ALL GONE.
No semblance of it, having ever existed. Only a God of creation, one of the ancient ones, before time existed, could do this.

They are not merciful, when it comes to parallel ‘verses’. OR as they call them ‘shadow worlds’.
Not a problem if those ‘verses’ remain locked to and, blocked from accessing other ‘verses’.

The original worlds or ‘verses’ such as the Qiverse were the ones created by the Gods of creation.
Anything else as said, were shadows of that. Echoes of the past but also of the FUTURE?

When the Gods, wanted to play, to alleviate their boredom ? They traversed ‘verses’. Original or shadow ‘verses’. to have their fun. Creating one life form and, duplicating it, in OTHERS?

The duplicate could look the same, could be identical in form to the other in the parallel ‘verse’ or, even
WORLD? The entertainment gained by ‘playing’ with them had become a regular as we might know it, pleasure to them.

Interfering, as some might call it, in the evolution of TRILLIONS, across their playground?
To those looking on, especially their appointed overseers the Omini?

The ones who delivered their justice, the punishment and maintained a high degree of fairness even when mopping up the mess left behind by the Gods of creation? Original ‘verses’ would see them almost all of the time.

Shadow ‘verses’ not so much UNLESS, those within it, created the means to step beyond it ?
TO invade or, trespass into other parallel worlds or ‘verses’.





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