Mauraders, raiders, pirates call them what you will. The Kroon were some of the worst to be found in the Qiverse for raiding settlements in particular, but isolated rich mining areas, were also a favourite target for them. 
Their semi robotic outer ‘skins’ were covering a body of a reptilian form, covered in scales. They had, to maintain a certain heat level, to survive or end up, with their life forms shutting down and ending up in hibernation or death.
Their ‘suits’ monitored their heat and kept a constant temperature, in excess of 120 degrees. If, you were close to one, you would sense the heat. In some instances, they gave off a mist, a steam surrounding them.
No one should be under any illusion, OR delusion, re them being stupid. They, were highly intelligent. Most raids, were carried out, after careful planning.
Sending in, one of their own, to scout for them, would give them some advance, often vital information, on their next target.
NOT always ! Sometimes, they would NOT, carry out a raid, simply because, the scout, was unsure, as to the military presence, or other factors and that, included an OMINI protected world.
Other ‘God protected worlds’ or settlements, were also left well alone. The Matsupa, to them, were avoided UNLESS, the religious sites, were left unattended or abandoned. Rich pickings, could be had.
The Matsupa could attack their vessels, disarm them and send in their Zealot forces, to seize the cargo, they carried, including Drex and other prized minerals etc
IF, they discovered, Matsupa Holy site relics and, or similar, they would empty the vessel, terminate the crew AND sell the craft for scrap OR destroy it.
Removing the outer layers and putting the reptilian life form, into a maceration machine, sometimes happened. The Knoon diet, was mostly vegetable matter, so rich in protein and fibre, appreciated by some, not all; of the Zealots.
An Accolyte OR Pure blood Gods, would NEVER eat them. Tear them apart for amusement, but NEVER eat them. Torture, with them being cooked alive, in controlled heat, slowly; SLOWLY, was another cruel Matsupa pleasure.
The Doctor and ‘SIen’. had taken onboard, some devices; weapons? Ui had warned them, NOT to drop, break or damage the grey orange container. THAT, was to be placed near the target VENTILATION and the ring on it twisted to prime the device.
Since the Doctor, had made it clear NO killing was to take place, preventing them, being able to move their craft, from where, they currently were, was to take priority. Delay them long enough, for the fleet, to return ,would mean, they would NOT, attack the colony.
The Kroon, were NOT, ones to be patient, re their next raids. They would, once they were able to resume power, the control of their craft, move onto their next target. Getting out of their current position, as fast as they could, in case they had been detected? Moreso as sitting ducks?
What the devices were, had been determined. A device, which released Gallium particulates (coated to slow down the action of those particulates) into the surrounding areas, carried along by the air flow, which the Kroon vessels, maintained throughout, with ventilation ducts and fans. 
The suits the Kroon wore, had varying amounts of what we would know as ALUMINIUM? A lot of the control system enclosures, were also using aluminium.
Galium, once free of the shell, would slowly attack and break down the alu, into a brittle crumbly texture.
The suits would break up, fall apart. NOT completely but enough to cause problems that had to be resolved and FAST. NO invasion for some time until that was resolved.
Landing his ‘blue box’, in the right place was not easy. Even if Sien knew the layout of the craft they were now headed into, Picking the right spot could have it own problems
Instability, a non existent OR non pressurised hold, OR one that was pressurised AND gave them the right levels of Oxygen, Nitrogen and similar for their biology?
Acrtually that was not so difficult re the gases. The Kroon, had a similar, respiratory system, for the gases they inhaled to survive.
Air, could be a little warmer, meaing they, would have to keep their fluid intake at an acceptable level or suffer dryness of the throat, inflammation.
Some protective gear, including gloves and footwear. Rad glasses, that allowed them, to peer beyond the various structures. A good means, to warn them, of any nearby Kroon, identify passages and find those critical ventilators.
Specific ones, as there were some, non essential ones, easily identified, due to their LOW suction rates.
Carrying the device, was proving to be a nuisance. It was not heavy, just awkward to carry. No handles or similar which meant it had to be CARRIED. CAREFULLY. The hatch was eventually opened, into an open corridor area.,
Dimly lit, which also did not help them. Too many shadows AND, uneven in places metal framework. Vents above them, difficult to get to? NOT all however as they noticed some at a lower level but these were low suction.
Through the next hatch and into, the corridor beyond. The suction, was definitely increasing. Another aspect to all of this, was not knowing what those vents were made of?
IF, they had been aluminium? Luckily they were not. A tri silicate based similar, to what we, would know as plastic? The next hatch and, what lay beyond would mean they did not need to go further.
The hatch slid open.. and in front of them? To be continued..