Jess Corbin Qiverse Dr Who

Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who
Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who






“With all of the Christmas  celebrations about to start AND our main fleet elsewhere defending
Colony 694e (Human(a)  ? We have about 100 ‘marines’. Powerful but inadequate.
IF the Kroon launch a raid ?

Ui and Sulai are going to give us two of their Mobillien battle cruisers to attack their craft. but they like the idea of you planting a device on their main flagship?  How are you going to get aboard their craft?

YOU and this one you call the Doctor. YOU tell us can achieve that? Sien nodded.
Remember we are the Archon...born of the ancients.

Our powers go beyond all of yours.” She took them inside the BLUE BOX.. They stopped stared, mouths opened in ? “How is this possible! “ Ui stepped outside and then moved back in still a look of surprise.

Dimensional shifting, that manipulates the neutron structure, to how we want it to be. We land the craft and check we are safe before leaving it. We can scan BEFORE we exit the craft. That will give us a much better layout of the vessel we are on.

“We need some refreshments and a few materials to complete the device. If we succeed me might supply you Frei Human(a) with some fireworks lighting up the heavens!  Ui and Sulai distracting them WILL help us. I know you BOTH are battle veterans BUT be careful! The Kroon are no amateurs! “

Sulai looked at Ui and Frei glancing at the one she called the Doctor. I do not envy you. The Kroon, are a vicious race of beings we, have been at war with them before. Mercenaries, thieves, murderers. If we fail, they, will send in, a raiding party, to trash whatever they come across, .Plunder and pillage. Death; in their wake. “

Ui shifted close to Sien. “I trust you can do this, I have no doubts at all re YOU but ? This Doctor?”

The Doctor moved closer to them. “I will NOT KILL nor wilfully destroy them.

 BUT WE WILL, stop their attack.

Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who

Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who

Jess Corbin Sci Fi Dr Who





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