The daughter of one of the worlds most renown glamour photographers Suzy Randall. No one should be under any illusions about Holly.
A very savvy business woman, an acknowledged professional photographer herself UCLA and a writer / publisher aswell !
Holly’s father is also an established writer SO the issues regarding COPYRIGHT, PLAIGERISM is nothing new to this lady.
Say hi to Jess Corbin’s
That’s for ALL of Jess Corbin’s works, webs, designs, content and or similar.
Phew !
“Don’t plaigerise ! Don’t misuse or attempt to use material from Jess Corbin for personal gain or any gratuitous gain in any way shape or form abusing HIS and OUR copyright.
That means using characters, TITLES, sub TITLES, scenario’s and ANYTHING that can be construed by us as a misuse of copyright cos you won’t like the consequences! That’s NOT a threat, its a PROMISE! “