Startled by the sight of the? Sien went to remove a weapon? The Doctor seeing what was about to take place moved between her and ? “Planning, on using that are you?” 
The glare was reflecting a fury, in the eyes of the Doctor. “This is a Cubbi. A VERY rare and ultra expensive ‘DOG’, by any other name re ancient history.”
There was a pause. Why were there thoughts, that at some time in the past,, fhere had been one, or similar ?
“The knowledge it contains is probably infinite. WHY the Kroon have it, is probably due, to a raid, where they took it.
Maps, races, other important details, all stored within its Silica based systems. Its knowledge, could be VERY revealing.
” IT, is also, UNARMED. will never attack us. Curious as to WHO we are and WHY we are here. BUT, NEVER hostile.
No weapons, well, bar its KNOWLEDGE base which can produce solutions, to helping, in certain situations, where
KNOWLEDGE is power.”
Leaning down to ‘pat the Cubbi’. Sien stared, in some disbelief, at what was taking place, she moved back to replace the weapon, from where she had removed it, still aware, of the Doctors annoyance, at her actions?
“Look here, it has a retainer collar. To secure it, aboard this vessel. Anyone, attempting to remove it from here, will see it detonate. NOT good, not good at all; but they would sooner that happened then see it giving knowledge it has no doubt stored re its presence here. “
“Reaching into pull out a small device. A sonic device? “Now Cubbi, lets see, if I, can remove that collar shall we.” Sien stepped back the thought crossing her mind on what had just been said? Explosive device IF, the collar, was removed or?
A flash of light and a loud ear piercing squeal from her, which the Cubbi’s eyes shifted to look at her! Amused? One of the collars, as it fell away? The Cubbi, instantly responded, now talking to them?
“Thank you, whoever you are, I am from D85u3. The colony there, was attacked and I, was stolen, restrained.” The head moved, some creaking? The Doctor produced a small vial of fluid ‘ Isopro’ to now spray it, in certain areas, as Cubbi’s head once again moved, several times, before it stopped to look up.
“So much better. NOW, why are you here? You have been detected and, the Kroon, are on their way. It will take them, a little while to get here but...” “We need to plant this device in one of the vents. It is a chemical blend using Galium.”
“Ah yes. Gallium (Ga) is element 31 on the periodic table. It's a soft, silvery-white metal that's a member of group 13. Properties Atomic number: 31 Atomic weight: 69.723 Melting point: 29.76°C (85.57°F) Boiling point: 2403°C Density: 5.9 g/cm³ (solid), 6.1 g/cm³ (liquid).”
It stopped, its eyes flashing, as though deep in thought? “That, is not good for my Alu parts.” It moved close to the device to scan it? Now gliding, GLIDING to settle in front of one of the vents. “Place it here and, set the timer. I, will remain and, make sure, the Kroon, do not, stop its activation.”
“Oh OK.” Sien moved the device and, set the timing device. Allowing a little extra, to compensate for their trip back to that blue box? She went to move towards the hatch to exit the area to see the Doctor talking to Cubbi?
“You have to come with us. The data you have could be too valuable to lose.
I could, wipe the data, but that is NOT going to happen. YOU are a sentient, housed within this form It would be, like leaving you for dead... NOOO! Come on! Perhaps you, can show us, a short cut back to.” Cubbi moved the hatch opened. “This way if you please.”
A short time later, quicker than before, well slightly but ! They were not inside the ‘blue box’. The device, appeared on a screen, now flashed up before them, generated by Cubbi. NOT triggered, which annoyed Sien? Then the Kroon discovering it, in their fury smashed it ?
“I have to say that was one of the most stupid things to do. It instantly released the vapour and stuck to the forms around it, attacking their Alu forms, whilst the remainder, was sucked up into the vent. The howls, from the Kroon, was a sight or should we say, delight to see?
Leaving after, they, had been witnesses, to further destruction taking place on parts of the vessels control systems. Power outages, weapons systems off line and ?
The two ‘Zimp’ transporters, were damaged. Out of action and would be, for some time, time enough for the return of those to 9eZe worlds Human(a) colony.
Above them, the heavens lit up, with an explosion. Fireworks? Well could say it looked just like that. A Zimp, had been taken out , a Kroon raiding party, seeking some revenge? “My bad. I knew, I should have removed, the identification markers, on that device .” Sien started laughing.
Cubbi was receiving a lot of attention. “NOT seen one of these in a long long time and they are MAJOR expensive.” Sulai looked at Sien. “I am surprised. I did not think you would be bothered with this.”
“NOT mine. The Doctors.” “Looks like you, have a travel companion, companion.” They giggled, whilst continuing to stroke it. “We can have it, upload to your systems, all of its stored data.
You, might find that useful, as it will have, where the Kroon have been AND more about them, their home world? As for, the technical specifications, on that craft?”
A while later, as they sat and, enjoyed some refreshments, the data upload concluded. Lute, one of their male commanders, came in, to join them. A technical officer and he, had, that well pleased look, on his face.
“The data is phenomenal. They used it, to store a massive, amount of Qiverse expanse data, planets, colonies, races and and.. He shifted close to Cubbi.
“You, would NOT believe. the data. storage on this!
We now, know so much about them, it is astonishing. Including their plans, for two forthcoming attacks, apart from an attack here. We, have sent warnings, with the attack plan details to those named..
Plans, to trade with one of them, was being met, with some reservation on their part. NOW the agreement is signed. Their mistrust gone.
We also know of an outpost, where they are keeping prisoners, slaves. Lightly manned, but there is no one close to them, to rescue them.
Cubbi has all the details.” He paused, looked at Sien and then, at the Doctor? “Is that so.” Sien was looking at Ui, Frei and Sulai.
“Lute, why don’t you, just come out and say it.. ASK?” She looked at Cubbi. “What would we need to rescue them?”
“Over 500 of them.” “Hmm bit crowded ..” “There is, a transporter, that could be used. Operated by those, who are guarding them. Ten in all and, lightly armed.”
“Would the prisoners, be able to fly that craft? Or are they restrained, too weak?” “That I cannot tell you. I, only have the stats on numbers.” Its eyes flickered.
“I could progam the crafts systems, to take them on Auto, to a colony or planet, where the Kroon, could not find them, well not easily.”
Time to have some refreshments, think things over and decide AFTER they were rested? Lute, had not been idle. Some help, might be needed and, knowing those guarding the prisoners, could still remain a problem?
Taking out the sentries? What sentries. Complacent and, not the least bit concerned, they would be attacked? Detection systems, would notify them, of any craft arriving, that they considered friend or foe?
Any ‘enemy’, would be met, by a barrage, from their crafts cannon arrays, destroyed or badly damaged before it even landed?
Ilon was a loner. He loved the Human(a) colony, but got easily bored. Lute, had used him, on a few forays where, some much needed muscle, might be a good to have around?
Often to distract, would be troublemakers and prevent, a given situation, from getting worse? After Lute had visited him, he had been given, the information, on a raid and Ilon had hatred of those such as the Kroon.
Vegetarians BUT that, did not stop them, from torture, selling them, on to others, who might regard such as food, to be torn apart and eaten? 
NOT that he, had lost any, to them BUT, he was more than aware, of what they did, to some of their unlucky prisoners. Ilon was also a PILOT. A very experienced, former, cargo transporter professional.
HOW, were they, going to get there, had not, crossed his mind.. That question, would only arise, after Sien who he had met before AND this stranger, they called the ‘Doctor’ was now introduced.
Amused by Cubbi? Quick to point out all of his vital statistics including body mass quotients and and.. Sien had been well pleased in having him join them.
Now approaching that ‘blue box’? What the’ as he walked around it, touched it and then watched, as the entrance opened up? NOT that he was NOT used to Portei Semperu. But this?
You stepped into a Portei and it sent you wherever, no, actual physical point in time ‘static’[ unless, it was a relay terminus and or similar? Sien grinned.
“The technology of the Arcan Ilon.” NOT just he observed, bigger on the inside, compared to outside it was HUGE.
Cubbim had moved, to hover close, to what appeared to be the control systems. FOUR, giant balls, that slowly started to spin.. until only ONE could be seen.
Gyroscopic stability, as it appeared to not be moving? Then the ball started to slow before all FOUR again became visible.
“We are there.” Where might be interesting.. as they turned on the screen to see the outside?
“Woah that is not good..”