“Well you, are welcomed to sort out the right clothing. I, am having to leave you! “ He pulled Tibs to one side. “Laibb is due!...
I am looking forward to the Red rose ..” His voice tailed off as she screamed.
“Whoa ! About time! “ Kjoi moved closer to them to be hissed at by Tibs. “Nothing of concern for YOU my CoJoined! “ She pointed to the Portei, before planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Now GO! Give Laibb my blessings.” He left. “Grabbing the stranger they moved to present the new clothing and waited for it to dress. The moment, that that had been satisfactorily accomplished, they explained the etiquette that WILL, be followed.
Placing bands, on their arms, to now vanish.
“it is a custom, as we know it, to drop to our knees and keep our heads LOW until asked to raise them. We, IF we have the Queens favour, will be asked to stand to sit.
Do not be shocked, by the two bird like creatures, one standing either side of our Queen. They are Ulruk and ancient beings, a gift from our Goddess, Annu (Annunaki) as protectors.
Our queen, is like them, a GIANT, so YOU, will seem tiny in comparison. Someone to look up to, but who, will NEVER look down on US. In our Gods eyes, before our QUEEN...
we are ALL equally blessed.
The ritual over, they were now being raised, to seating that brought them up to come face to face with the Queen. A smile? A lot of warmth.
“This one, has been abused by them, from that darkness; the one our Gods of creation have now destroyed. That much I am pleased to KNOW of.
I have been asked to appoint a companion. You Taib (Tibs) would have been my choice BUT, you are CoJoined and the Goddess Anu, will be most displeased with me, to separate you and your CoJoined.
Your Sien (Sister) will take your place. Talented and has amused us all, on many an occasion, with her Wu (wit) though she is NOT one, to avoid trouble at times.
That gave me doubts, BUT, this one, needs a strong companion and, one, who thinks on her feet, even if running away at the time!
The time capsule, has been programmed, so it can be used anywhere, within the Qiverse. I have granted that right, to travel, PROVIDED a COMPANION is present.
The shape is strange, BUT I am told, that is how it is if preferred to look. Looks are everything it seems, as you know Sien has often reminded YOU!”
Tibs nodded, all too true. Sien could be really annoying at times. Skin care was important but to her, somewhat a necessity rather than a desired formality.
Nicknamed iu u, (Powder puff) by her. She was always powdering her nose in particular NOT, that there, was any reason for doing that. She had a really cute one!
Sien’s best friend, from the 9eZe worlds had been in contact with her. “ I have a problem. I feel since the Kets Akademy you are the ONLY one I can talk to about this.
The ‘Kroon’ have sent in one of their scouts. Dammed ugly and vicious. Though NOT, actually attacking anyone, which I suspect, was deliberate, to NOT, bring unwanted attention to it.
YOU know and I know. The moment IT gets back to the main force they will send in a raiding party. We need to find some way to get aboard their main flagship and plant one of our devices.
I have been working, on some new anti Kroon devices. Dropping some of them, into their ship will delay them long enough for us, to bring in the fleet from Gthos.?!
True the Kroon scout had returned. “The main defence force, is to be found, in the Xie2 Githos systems. We can strike, seize prisoners for conversion AND food.”
Sien was now preparing to leave when Tibs arrived. With a stranger in tow? YOU, are now, ITs guardian, ITs companion. Our Queen, will NOT be disobeyed.
Willful as you are, this time, YOU WILL, do as you are asked.
I will NOT let you leave here until YOU agree to take the stranger with you. Frei was waiting for her! She needed to go NOW.. “Ok, YES, OK?! “ She moved towards the stranger.. the Blue box now appearing as though by magic behind it? What the!
“That is your transport.” Sien moved to follow the stranger as the doorway opened and in they stepped. Even Tibs, following them in, was astonished. Never, had they seen, a Portei Semperu like this,.
“Have fun !” Tibs turned and left them. Looking around, even the stranger, appeared curious, at what lay before them.
“Well this is new. It even has a new vocoverser unit fitted, which means, we, can literally go anywhere, simply by TELLING it, where we want to go?
NOW, where are WE going?