Stay tuned for NEWS on a fairly regular basis re what is happening HERE on this web.
Currently I am working to get a lot of important background information for you all!
Who is who where are they from and so much more to make it easier when you read about them !
Also GAME characters - to give gaming developers an idea of what the characters are like re the storylines AND that of course is something
I am VERY aware of re so much that we all know has been an absolute nightmare The way a WOKE minority, have trashed so much to feed their ego’ their self centred self righteous hypocrisy whilst destroying some much treasured Sci FI.
It has been terrifying to see how bad some of the so called STORY TELLING has been or rather the LACK of it. Then blame your crap end product on anything but the writer ?
I will explore more on that later.. for now ENJOY!