Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Jess Corbin Sci Fi





Understanding some, of the PHYSIOLOGY when it comes to those such as ooiJ.
She is, a 7th generation bio form, with a genetically engineered seudo empathic, silicon control neuro sympathic entity who is a living being.OOIJ400A

A sentient lifeform, that does everything, any normal being, would except far more advanced AND far more powerful. Emotions, responses and it can feel, can be emotional, hungry, tired !

THEY are an advanced EVOLUTION of their former race, They will live and eventually die, though not for decades or even centuries.

They, can simply change their outer skin any number of times AND can have or decide NOT to have INTESTINAL processing of foods and drinks.

Mouth senses feels, tastes for those with INTESTINES are far more advanced AND DIGESTION with almost the same as we would find if we opened up our bodies to see the same.

Use of the mouth to suck, tongue, kiss, is the same as many Human(a) would find in their females. Their nipples and breasts would feel the same, a little firmer maybe but nipples can be as sensitive to a male or their own touch.

Suck on theirs and they will either kill you or lay back and enjoy it.. Likewise other aspects of their body.

HOWEVER they do NOT have reproductive organs. Yes they DO have all of tje genitalia and more though NOT  accessible from the front, all access is via the rear of their bodies.

The FRONT, is for their waste disposal. See the illustration for more detail re this.  ooiJ can be naked bar that plate and the Titanium ceramic lined ‘pants’ are closed off at the front but open a the back, like wearing a thong.

She can choose to cover, though ooiJ seldom does. Leaving her rear open and exposed. BUT ALL of her orifices, are covered by a flap, attached from the lower section to the upper like a loin cloth.

Scanty and, easily torn off, will take some doing BUT, or maliciously removed, though only a fool would attempt that. She is very POWERFUL re strength and can twist the arm off, a would be predator with ease. Even the bigger heavier males et ValveCvPlate

She, can want, a partner, to enjoy, what she has to offer, by simply, removing the cover herself and, presenting her body to them.

All of their sensitivities re being male OR female, remain, at the levels, they choose them to be.

That, applies to, their mouth, tongue, genetalia, body overall re exposed ‘skin’.

During mating they are increased. Ripple after ripple of pleasure,desire, demands and ultimate ectasy,

THEY genuinely FEEL, as any other living being would re ie Human(a) etc,

Nipples, can be tuned to maximum pleasure AND can get rock hard, pushed forwards like studs

IF a female wamts a male her nipples can stand out rock hard against a light cover over them.

From the front a male looking on would know instantly the female is attracted to them,.

ON males, that flap, is set to the rear. The front, is left open.

Allergies can be a nightmare, so it is important for her systems to monitor any suspicious activity that might give rise to such a reaction.

It has been known, for an allergenic reaction to kill the body of a sentient. NOT killing them but destroying their physical form. If that occurs at the wrong time ie being attacked, they can end up being left for dead.
The sentient being will remain ‘conscious’ but unable to move whilst the body around it may rot?

An enemy. may KNOW of it, being a ‘sentient’ lifeform. Burying it alive? Up to their necks, looking out, over the field of victory for their enemy? To die.

Chop off the head? NO! That would be a quick death.. burying is a long, drawn out slow death. The victor, may come back, occasionally to gloat? Spit on them and relive its victory.Kison4

Of course. it can happen. that the entity. may have a bond. with another who is linked to its subconscious. If IT comes to the rescue, the one who committed the horror will end up reliving it; UP to its neck buried alive.

A, primitive life form, thinking it, has gotten one over, on a 7th Generation being, will long live to regret, such a genuinely stupid assumption. The others, will wipe his entire family out of existence and, turn on others, as they wish.

But back to the present. On the Xio Zinz an A class battle cruiser, ooiJ was busy talking to Kison. Careful to keep the conversation secure.  “How is it gong Ki? Ki you ready for this?” 

“I’m on their base now. Freeing the hostages.
The site is huge. I, have stunned the security detail so the exit is clear. The rest of them are either working the mining equipment or in the mine OR asleep?? It’s almost deserted.

“Don’t need too many, to operate the entire working operation. I reckon most of it is automated. Luckily the noise levels are helping me NOT be detected.

OR, the hostages escaping. They are a OK. A bloody Gildateer. Kae (Kaetlyn)” There  was a pause and then some laughing? “Spunk all??

Spunk all?”

“That’s IT’s name  she’s a high grad Clone. Anyways, they , are out over the edge of the Plateau, BJ, will take care of them.”

“Booby, tell me when they are clear.” “ooiJ you got coms on 5593-e?” “Locking on the signal carrier. I may go quiet for a moment or two, don’t worry.

The front patch, needs changing AND I will connect up to the waste conversions unit. At least now I can see what is happening AND connecting is easier than when I had that at the rear.”

The encampment was awash, with more figures, of armed guards. Panicking at losing their hostages?
Kison, had torn out some important components to their  defence systems, Making most of it useless.
She went to leave as some guards appeared in front of her.

The language, was unknown to her BUT the uniforms were not. Halkeiron. Some of the most hated of races.
They made the Matsupa look saintly. “NOW, what have we here.” He started to unbuckle his ;belt’.
She shook her head. “REALLY? Your hostage stolen and all you can do is? All in hand eh?”

She started to shift colours across herself. The myriad of them now interlocking, fading,.. to nothing.
Gone, leaving them having to explain to others, others who would have their heads for this?

“All clear ooiJ.” She moved to the coms units.

 “ALL cannons focus on the site and destroy it.”


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